How did it go Friday?

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2016
Reaction score
I took the Transportation PE exam Friday.

I thought the AM was easier than the PM. I feel I chose more educated choices in the AM .

There were some unusual questions in the PM that i didn't get how to solve. I had to do more random guess's on that portion. I thought the PM Transportation portion was definitely harder than the practice exam.

How'd it go for everyone else?

I was surprised at the number of conceptual questions in the AM. Quite a few did not require a calculator at all.

I think I did really well on the AM but really faltered in the afternoon.

Fun story, one questions required that you pull information from a Manual - should have been easy, just pull information from tables .

I go to grab manual, can't find it. Look through all my different binders - it's not there. After the test, I call the wife and she says 'Oh yea, there's a binder sitting right here.'

I accidently left the manual at home :(  That should have been an easy question.

So it looks like results should be released in ~6 weeks, right?

I agree. Very conceptual based in the AM. I was finished with a ton of time left, so I just used that time to review some PM stuff. PM seemed to rely heavily on the references. I'm glad I practiced with the references instead of just School or PE notes. We had a rock band practicing next door(split by fabric wall partitions) during the depth. It was pretty ridiculous. The proctors tried too get them to stop, but instead just passed out ear plugs, which don't do much for heavy bass. At one point the proctor got on the microphone to explain to us what was going on. I felt good about it though. The AM there were only 3-5 I wasn't sure on and made good guesses. The PM I felt like I knew 25 off the top of my head, was able to look up around 8, and had to make some guesses after narrowing down the answers on the last ones.

Holy ****! Band practice?!?!?!?!

I thought MD was bad with the dog show next door last year!

We had Mecum Auctions in the same building as us (I think they were on the 1st floor and we were on the 2nd). I don't recall hearing anything though. I think it was a pretty good testing environment; however, I was wearing ear plugs, which my exam authorization suggested to do.

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Yea I had some plugs we use at the rifle range, so a little better than the standard foam ones. The proctors actually gave out ear plugs for the depth portion.

Yea I had some plugs we use at the rifle range, so a little better than the standard foam ones. The proctors actually gave out ear plugs for the depth portion.
Are they the insta-molds like from EAR Inc? I have a pair I use at the range but didn't take them. Just used the old standard plugs.

No not those. I forgot what they are called. They are more of a gel/plastic than foam. They have a 3-4 ridges that fold over when you put them in. I got them at Gander Mountain.

Same here. Easier AM  tough PM..  I forgot a manual at home too. I had some of the info in handouts, but there was one I had to guess on.

My seat was right next to a set of doors leading to the lobby. In the afternoon there was meeting for HAM radio enthusiasts in the lobby.  Radio static, laughing, and talking.  ugh.

The AM portion of the exam was very simple and did not see a single question that made me scratch my head and think, "wtf?...", that however was not the case for the PM section. the PM section was heavily qualitative and forced you to rely heavily on your references, or making your best judgment call... those types of questions are ones that I hate because you do not have any solid numbers to confirm whether you're on the right track or not. time to sit and sweat out the next 8 weeks...

I agree.  The AM was pretty straight forward but the PM was a bit of a challenge with LOTS of conceptual problems.  I took WRE.  It's a waiting game now. :wacko:

I agree. Very conceptual based in the AM. I was finished with a ton of time left, so I just used that time to review some PM stuff. PM seemed to rely heavily on the references. I'm glad I practiced with the references instead of just School or PE notes. We had a rock band practicing next door(split by fabric wall partitions) during the depth. It was pretty ridiculous. The proctors tried too get them to stop, but instead just passed out ear plugs, which don't do much for heavy bass. At one point the proctor got on the microphone to explain to us what was going on. I felt good about it though. The AM there were only 3-5 I wasn't sure on and made good guesses. The PM I felt like I knew 25 off the top of my head, was able to look up around 8, and had to make some guesses after narrowing down the answers on the last ones.
Oh, man....This morning I've reported to NCEES about an unprecedented and unspeakable incident happened April 15, 2016 during afternoon session of PE Exam. For a good one hour we had a rock concert in adjacent room. I had a seat PE #1, which was the closest seat to the wall and I can assure you that the wall was shaking. 

Here is the response from NCEES:

I can offer you a refund of your fees less a $50 processing fee, but your exam will NOT be scored.  You will need to respond to this message by Friday, April 22, 2016 to ensure that we can get a refund to you and remove your exam information from being scored. 

Stef GoodenowDirector of Member Services
