Happy St Patrick's Day

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^that's what I usually do, but I wanted minisnick to try it this year. And he liked it so mr snick is going to SOL next st pats day

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^that's what I usually do, but I wanted minisnick to try it this year. And he liked it so mr snick is going to SOL next st pats day
Looks like you'll be sleeping on the couch next year?

^ Sorry, couch sleeping is a female-assigned, male-resigned situation only.

Corned beef and cabbage is in the slow cooker now. Fortunately everyone in our family loves it.

Actually I do that too. Mr. YMZ could feel like punching the bejeezus out of me but he still won't leave the bed.

Anyway, erin go bragh! Where's my Guiness?

Corned beef in the slow cooker. Will finish the cabbage when I get home tonight. We are more of a Smithwicks family. My wife has been to Ireland and had Guinness at the brewery, and won't drink the "swill" we get imported here.

depending on which source people want to believe, Omaha or NYC are the listed birthplaces of the ruben.

Kind of like the Horseshoe around here. Lots of people claim invention of the heartattack on a plate

if we are going to get really technical, Corned Beef and Cabbage isn't anymore Irish than Saint Patrick was.... Jewish and Scottish respectivly...the first being a food of Irish immigrants because of where they ended living when they got here to the United States, the second going to Ireland to spread the word of God.

much like christmas and my mother in laws birthday, i have always thought this is a stupid fucking holiday..
