Happy September!

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^This is hopefully the last 90+ degree day in Mass. In my 30 years of experience of life in New England/Northeast (I grew up less than 10 miles from the CT border so it may as well be NE), it really is like someone flips a switch over Labor Day and things begin to cool down.

Forecast for the weekend: 70s during the day, 50s at night.

Can't wait to be able just to run the fan at night.

The only days we haven't used the AC all summer (excluding being away) were a couple days early last week when it was in the 60s all day. I always sleep better when I have cool, fresh air coming in, and it's easier on the old wallet.

And, as of today (3:50pm Afghanistan time), I only have 19 days until I get to jump on a plane back to civilization for a little R&R. Hopefully the end of Ramadan, which unfortunately just happens to fall on September 11th, does not bring too many surprises this year. From what I've heard, both of those days tend to be "busy" on their own so I'm not sure what's going to happen when they are happening simultaneously.

Sigh. We've been told to expect July-ish temperatures ths week.

Oddly, it seems the grass has gone into dormancy. Pretty odd to do it this early.

Supposed to be upper 80s today and tomorrow, then back into the 70s for us. It was below 50 when I woke up yesterday. I had the window fan running all night, and was pretty chilly after I got up to let the dog out. I dove under the blankets when I got back into bed.

The good: Weather is cooling off, electricity bill should start coming down.

The bad: My allergies are already giving me a Polish bike ride.
