Happy Birthday pbrme!

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Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Brew City!
Hope it's a good one dude! And hopefully you'll have a cake similar to this waiting for you. :beerchug:


Happy birthday! I'll be sure to have one or twelve tonight in your honor.

Thanks everyone. We celebrated this weekend with a Taco bar on Sat. & the friends drank all my beer. Tonight will have to be somewhat mild, as work tomorrow (and the rest of this week) will require my utmost attention. Many layoffs and a recent resignation have filled my shoes with the spirit of the buffalo. One being a factory witness test in Phoenix next week. However, it is the day which requires sacrificing to the PBR gods. So the ritual which provides for another 12 months of peace and balance with the universe must be fulfilled. Because it must.

Happy birthday man, enjoy the day... Good thing you got to celebrate over the weekend!

Thanks Bly & Tex. Yeah, those bastedges drank all my beer (but left me 4 Rainiers) 1/2 a bottle of scotch, and all of the tequila another friend brought over for a gift. We all had a good time tho.

Edit: Had the mrs. pick me up some replacements after lunch for tonight's activities. So there will be a CAB waiting for me in 3 hrs... that isn't Ronyea'.

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Thanks EG & MS. A group of us went out for happy hour martinis and apps. Then went home and played the piano for a few hours b4 bed time.
