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Facebook has gotten so boring to me. Most of the people I interact with there are from here (& you guys are great). But the rest of my "friends" are pretty dull...I only check it out of sheer boredom and hatred of my job. And yes I want to make people think back home I am having the time of my life in colorado( which I am on the weekends).

I was off for 6 months and really enjoyed it. I need to get a new job nd then take bother break....

Facebook has gotten so boring to me.
+1 to that! It's just not all that interesting anymore. Aside from EB.com, I've been getting into Google+ lately. At least with that, you can follow certain things that interest you so you don't have to sort through all the stuff you don't care about.

I heard an interesting phrase describing Facebook, coined by an anthropologist: "context collapse". Context is the idea that as social creatures, we're constantly evaluating our social situations and trying to respond in appropriate ways. Like how you engage with your family differently than you do with friends or EB.com (less BJ jokes, for example). Context collapse occurs on FB and other social media because you have a potentially infinite audience and no way to gauge their individual reactions in a cohesive way. I think this is a big part of why FB is boring now - in a way, we're almost forced to be diluted versions of ourselves.

Philosopher takes a drink. *swig* *buuuuuuuurrrrrppppp*

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And no one likes having their mother in law snooping around your posts either....

Lol... even I am getting tired of Facebook... that says a lot, it isn't much more than a photo storage/message place for me... too many of my "friends" share stupid links haphazardly... like the stupid KFC urban legend.. it doesn't take Einstein to Google something before you click share... though, it is a decent way to keep up with where the Army is moving who and when...

I heard an interesting phrase describing Facebook, coined by an anthropologist: "context collapse". Context is the idea that as social creatures, we're constantly evaluating our social situations and trying to respond in appropriate ways. Like how you engage with your family differently than you do with friends or EB.com (less BJ jokes, for example). Context collapse occurs on FB and other social media because you have a potentially infinite audience and no way to gauge their individual reactions in a cohesive way. I think this is a big part of why FB is boring now - in a way, we're almost forced to be diluted versions of ourselves.

Philosopher takes a drink. *swig* *buuuuuuuurrrrrppppp*
I've also heard FB referred to as a "highlight reel." People only post their highs or (less commonly) their lows. I've heard it can contribute to depression because the only thing you see is other people having fun or doing cool things, but you don't necessarily see their struggles inbetween their posts.

One of my highschool friends is a PR person for an international firm and he just posted that he has just visited his 70th different country. He is always posting selfies of himself in front of famous landmarks from all over the world. But what most don't realize is that he has yet to post a picture of himself with someone else. Most of his life is spent living in hotel rooms, sitting in airplanes, or dealing with the headaches of airports. His only constant is that he travels, but has no one to share it with. No friendly face to greet him after a long day at work.

^ I wonder if there's a phrase for that sense of melancholy you get from seeing other people on FB doing cool things you wish you were doing. I have to constantly remind myself that it's a highlight reel, not everything is roses.

But what most don't realize is that he has yet to post a picture of himself with someone else. Most of his life is spent living in hotel rooms, sitting in airplanes, or dealing with the headaches of airports. His only constant is that he travels, but has no one to share it with. No friendly face to greet him after a long day at work.

This just ruined my day.

But he enjoys it. He is one of the genuinely nicest guys I have ever met. He loves going from place to place meeting new people, then moving on.
