--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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Shared 9 or 10  6-9% beers.  Even mixed a cherry sour type in there  

All very good.  Paying for it today

I suppose this doesn't really belong here, but I feel pretty good for having started with a dark 'n stormy last night, followed by splitting a pitcher of margaritas with my boyfriend, and then having two Stella's at the show I successfully made it to last night. Maybe sleeping til 11 had something to do with that!

An old guy at the office likes Stella.   Or is that his wife's name?

I tried to get Stella once. They told me to take a streetcar named Desire and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at Elysian Fields.

It probably sounds like a Hipster thing to say, but Stella used to be good.  I think InBev changed something in the recipe or brewing process when they bought the brand.  Either that, or I just had enough of it by the time InBev bought it.  It is one of the few choices other than domestics at Churchill Downs, so I tend to drink a lot of it there.  Otherwise, I avoid it if there are other options.

InBev is great at making something okay, bad.   Stella is too expensive for what it is.  I'd rather have a Budweiser; much less skunky. 

Regular Budweiser tastes so skunky to me I can't even drink it anymore.  I gave away all but about half a dozen bottles from the wedding leftovers.

Oh man, I'm not down with paying $8 (which is what it was at the show I was at) for a Budweiser. So when Stella is the same price, I don't mind it!

Not hungover, but went to bed around midnight after several shots of vodka. Woke up with the desert sun around 4am and can't get back to sleep so I'm just sitting here kind of dazed. I did muster up the energy to make a mushroom and kale omelet with ghee and chipotle salsa but now I'm just sunk into the couch.

Not hungover, but went to bed around midnight after several shots of vodka. Woke up with the desert sun around 4am and can't get back to sleep so I'm just sitting here kind of dazed. I did muster up the energy to make a mushroom and kale omelet with ghee and chipotle salsa but now I'm just sunk into the couch.
So does that mean you're updating your LinkedIn photo then? ;)
