Halloween is Sunday, dammit!

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any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...

any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...
I will most likely jsut throw on my hockey jersey when we take Minisnick to a few of the neighbors houses. I could buy some yellow yarn and a flannel shirt and be the scarecrow to match minisnicks tinman costume, but that would require effort.

Halloween on a Sunday!!! Great excuse to bring the little ones to church and dress 'em like Satan.
Good idea. I think alot of the church vestments and robes are satan. satan sheets are cool.

I've been a viking for the past 10 years. I made the costume myself with fur-like fabric and a viking helmet. It works enough.

any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...
We were talking about this last night around the dinner table. Mini-Buff is Tinkerbell this year. Mrs. Buff has a cat costume (ears, tail and face paint) that she usually goes as. I'm not a big costume person, so when mini-Bufff asked what I was gonna dres up as, I said "A grumpy old man", intending not to dress up at all. Then Mrs. Buff said she had some stuff to make my hair white, her mom has a cane from knee replacement surgery, and we have a sweater vest somewhere. So now I'm dressing up.

any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...
We were talking about this last night around the dinner table. Mini-Buff is Tinkerbell this year. Mrs. Buff has a cat costume (ears, tail and face paint) that she usually goes as. I'm not a big costume person, so when mini-Bufff asked what I was gonna dres up as, I said "A grumpy old man", intending not to dress up at all. Then Mrs. Buff said she had some stuff to make my hair white, her mom has a cane from knee replacement surgery, and we have a sweater vest somewhere. So now I'm dressing up.
dont forget either house slippers or velcro gymshoes to finish off the old man costume

thank goodness for meetings. my 10 am meeting gets me out of the area for the costume parade whose route is right past my cube.

costume parade? wow... I haven't seen one of those since I was in grade school
yeah its an annual thing around here. when we were segregated from the rest of the bureau, in the other building, we didn't have to deal with it. but since they moved us over here its something we are having a hard time getting used to. We used to have awesome snack days in the other building, there were fewer of us and we brought quality stuff. but so far this morning the food has consistent of donuts and cheap sugar stuff. lunch better get better. I brought the lone veggie tray...which is almost gone. people here bring a bag of $1 chips then chow down all day.

Ok I'm done complaining.

costume parade? wow... I haven't seen one of those since I was in grade school
yeah its an annual thing around here. when we were segregated from the rest of the bureau, in the other building, we didn't have to deal with it. but since they moved us over here its something we are having a hard time getting used to. We used to have awesome snack days in the other building, there were fewer of us and we brought quality stuff. but so far this morning the food has consistent of donuts and cheap sugar stuff. lunch better get better. I brought the lone veggie tray...which is almost gone. people here bring a bag of $1 chips then chow down all day.

Ok I'm done complaining.
Your workplace makes me sad.

costume parade? wow... I haven't seen one of those since I was in grade school
yeah its an annual thing around here. when we were segregated from the rest of the bureau, in the other building, we didn't have to deal with it. but since they moved us over here its something we are having a hard time getting used to. We used to have awesome snack days in the other building, there were fewer of us and we brought quality stuff. but so far this morning the food has consistent of donuts and cheap sugar stuff. lunch better get better. I brought the lone veggie tray...which is almost gone. people here bring a bag of $1 chips then chow down all day.

Ok I'm done complaining.
Your workplace makes me sad.
why? because it makes you think about the office commeradery you are going to miss when you leave?

any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...
We were talking about this last night around the dinner table. Mini-Buff is Tinkerbell this year. Mrs. Buff has a cat costume (ears, tail and face paint) that she usually goes as. I'm not a big costume person, so when mini-Bufff asked what I was gonna dres up as, I said "A grumpy old man", intending not to dress up at all. Then Mrs. Buff said she had some stuff to make my hair white, her mom has a cane from knee replacement surgery, and we have a sweater vest somewhere. So now I'm dressing up.
dont forget either house slippers or velcro gymshoes to finish off the old man costume
Excellent idea! If it isn't too cold, I'm gonna wear some shorts with black socks pulled all the way up.

any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...
We were talking about this last night around the dinner table. Mini-Buff is Tinkerbell this year. Mrs. Buff has a cat costume (ears, tail and face paint) that she usually goes as. I'm not a big costume person, so when mini-Bufff asked what I was gonna dres up as, I said "A grumpy old man", intending not to dress up at all. Then Mrs. Buff said she had some stuff to make my hair white, her mom has a cane from knee replacement surgery, and we have a sweater vest somewhere. So now I'm dressing up.
dont forget either house slippers or velcro gymshoes to finish off the old man costume
Excellent idea! If it isn't too cold, I'm gonna wear some shorts with black socks pulled all the way up.

can you still buy those sock suspenders? you could be that guy you never see the face of in Ren and Stimpy!

any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...
We were talking about this last night around the dinner table. Mini-Buff is Tinkerbell this year. Mrs. Buff has a cat costume (ears, tail and face paint) that she usually goes as. I'm not a big costume person, so when mini-Bufff asked what I was gonna dres up as, I said "A grumpy old man", intending not to dress up at all. Then Mrs. Buff said she had some stuff to make my hair white, her mom has a cane from knee replacement surgery, and we have a sweater vest somewhere. So now I'm dressing up.
dont forget either house slippers or velcro gymshoes to finish off the old man costume
Excellent idea! If it isn't too cold, I'm gonna wear some shorts with black socks pulled all the way up.

can you still buy those sock suspenders? you could be that guy you never see the face of in Ren and Stimpy!
too funny. yes you can, just googled them and lots of places still sell them but getting them in time might be expensive. maybe the local walgreens might have them.

any of you guys dressing up this year for parties/taking your kids around/etc? I've never been one to be creative enough to come up with a costume, I'm not that daring/creative/etc to dress up...
We were talking about this last night around the dinner table. Mini-Buff is Tinkerbell this year. Mrs. Buff has a cat costume (ears, tail and face paint) that she usually goes as. I'm not a big costume person, so when mini-Bufff asked what I was gonna dres up as, I said "A grumpy old man", intending not to dress up at all. Then Mrs. Buff said she had some stuff to make my hair white, her mom has a cane from knee replacement surgery, and we have a sweater vest somewhere. So now I'm dressing up.
dont forget either house slippers or velcro gymshoes to finish off the old man costume
Excellent idea! If it isn't too cold, I'm gonna wear some shorts with black socks pulled all the way up.

can you still buy those sock suspenders? you could be that guy you never see the face of in Ren and Stimpy!
too funny. yes you can, just googled them and lots of places still sell them but getting them in time might be expensive. maybe the local walgreens might have them.
I live in an area w/o Walgreens. Maybe my local WalMart has them.

really? No walgreens, i thought they had the market for one on every corner. Even WE have a walgreens in the middle of nowhere.

LOL! Everyone except the drag queen looks like they're in shock!

My son (6) and his friend are really into Harry Potter. He's Harry Potter and she's Hermoine. So we're having a dual-family Harry Potter Halloween party. I'm supposed to go as Professor MacGonagall. I just need bi-focals and a long black robe. Already have the gray hairspray and pursed lips.

LOL! Everyone except the drag queen looks like they're in shock!

My son (6) and his friend are really into Harry Potter. He's Harry Potter and she's Hermoine. So we're having a dual-family Harry Potter Halloween party. I'm supposed to go as Professor MacGonagall. I just need bi-focals and a long black robe. Already have the gray hairspray and pursed lips.
Prof M didn't always wear her bifocals so if you put your hair in a bun you might be good to go. She also wore more green gowns than black.
