Halloween is Sunday, dammit!

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My soon-to-be-13yr old girl is dressing up as a Twi'lek.
+1 Star Wars

And she's going to be the cool Jedi kind, not the slave-hottie in whats-his-faces dungeon kind.

Nerdliness: A father's best friend.
Ummm...maybe you need to do an image search for hot nerdy girls.

And make sure she doesn't carry a change of clothes. Seemed to be a common ruse.

High five to mini-mizzou! I wish I was that pimp when I was little!

I dunno, come halloween she'll run off with the boy with the most candy. Happens all the time.

it didn't last with Stewie and Olivia.

NEVER!!!... um... I mean... I hope it is dying out. :oops:
I can't see anything except a red X at work and I can't decipher the picture due to the "tinypic" url, but I can only imagine it's the Chris Hansen pic. :p

i don't know who chris hansen is, but it is a picture of a guy in a suit with the caption of Nice to see you why don't you have a seat over there?

i don't know who chris hansen is, but it is a picture of a guy in a suit with the caption of Nice to see you why don't you have a seat over there?
That is Chris Hansen. He hosted a show on NBC called "To catch a predator" where the police would lure a pedophile online to a "meeting" with a minor, where Hansen would say "Nice to see you...why don't you have a seat over there?" and then proceed to grill the predator, until the police would lead him away for a nice little "talk"

Halloween on a Sunday!!! Great excuse to bring the little ones to church and dress 'em like Satan.

I hate Halloween work parties. Geeze it is a place of business have some decorum about what type of costumes you wear.

I don't care if you can fit into a women's miniskirt and are male, bare mid-drift Trailer trash drag queens are not quite work appropriate costumes.

oh wait... what? its Halloween????

umm... I meah.... yeah... Halloween....

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