The non-test-takers are having way more fun than usual this test cycle. No news is a breeding ground for jokers.
I figured. The joke threads are a great way to be sure the people using this forum to check on results will never come back after passing.
This website has withstood years of noobs showing up around results time, whine and moan about how long it takes to find out if they passed and then disappear never to be heard from again. The cool people usually stick around and we've never been worse off from those who didn't.
It's a free resource provided by some strange dude and a few others who have made donations just to have a cool place on the internet where engineer's can interact with other engineers. Ask for advice, post links to other resources and in general try to have fun. If you don't like something you read, try to ignore it or try to provide a valid argument against it. The majority of the joke threads that are posted should be obvious enough so that someone taking the PE is intelligent enough to determine the far fetched fiction and as Sapper said in another thread, if it sounds far fetched, it's probably not true. .