Is anyone else in Georgia still waiting on their license number? I got my passing result, but still waiting on license number.
In Georgia we do all of that up front with the exam application, so once the results come out they just start issuing license numbers.You most likely won't get your number for 1-2 months depending on your state. Here in Jersey, we have to wait a few weeks for them to send out a license activation form that we have to complete and send them a fee check. Once they get theform and fee then they will process the actual license.
If you call the Board of engineers for Georgia they should be able to give you a better time line for your state. Following this forum for around 1 year now, I've heard of some people waiting a month or more after license fee check was cashed before actually getting their license
The test was just 1 step towards completing the license process.
Congratulations on passing!
Ok, good to know, thanks. If they were actively adding names I would feel better about it, but maybe they just do a wave of names all at once.Last exam, I think there was a 2 day period where they were adding names
Yay!! Time to update your name and title on all the things!!Got my number! Woohoo!
@smrobCongrats! I knew you would get it. Enjoy!I've got mine! Judging from last year, it took them a couple of days to get everyone added. Hopefully you'll have it by the end of the day!
Yes! New business cards ordered, email signature changed, linkedin profile changed, lol. Ordered my wall certificate also.Yay!! Time to update your name and title on all the things!!