So, for those who are first time test takers in Georgia, I thought I'd fill you in on how things went down for the April 2017 results release. NCEES released results to the states. The next day, the GA SOS website started updating the licenses on the online searchable database BEFORE directing NCEES to release results to examines. It was an agonizing day waiting for them to at a time in no particular order (not alphabetical anyway). Hopefully, it's a bit more streamlined this time around. NCEES finally sent the email and released results about a day later (2 days after the initial national release). If it comes to it, the easiest way to check to see if there have been any licenses issued by the SOS is to search by PE number. The next PE license issued will be: PE042682. If you see that one, then GA is updating the database. Good luck my fellow Peach Staters!