funny pic thread

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My brother says it looks a lot like her, but isn't her. He sees her much more often than I do.
The only way for me to verify is to ask my cousin, and that ain't gonna happen. I don't want to be known as the 'creepy cousin'.

Man, it's going to be another hour until I get home and look at this thread. I'm dying to know what this is all about. Can someone repost the pictures in question as an attachment?

After looking at my cousin's wedding photos on her FB page, I feel pretty confident it's not her. The other thing that creeps me out about the photo, besides 'it', is Little Ms. Crazy Eyes (second from the right).

You'll know it when you see it. If there are no bricks coming out of you, you haven't seen it yet.

I loafed a Grade A Number One brick.

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