If their bellies touch before their ****s, it doesn't count.These ladies would love to work at your fine establishment.
that skinny redhead is hot!If their bellies touch before their ****s, it doesn't count.
The seeds ruin it for me.There is a distinct lack of food porn in this thread.
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I think they are supposed to represent crabs.The seeds ruin it for me.
Get stuck in your teeth?The seeds ruin it for me.
csb now takes the cake for producing the nastiest joke I have ever heard in my entire life. I think I'm going to be sick after reading that one. :respect:Get stuck in your teeth?
This reminds me of an old dirty joke:
This guy goes into a whorehouse and tells the mistress he wants to eat out a girl for the first time. She sends him up and he meets this deadly blonde chick. She whips down her pants and he starts licking her. Minutes later he feels something in his mouth and spits out a corn niblet. Thinking this is normal, as he has never done it before continues eating her out. Minutes pass and he finds a piece of carrot in his mouth. Still thinking this is normal he continues. Soon after he finds a piece of meat and stands up. "Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick?" She looks at him and replies "That's what the last guy said!"
Yep, that'll do it, my breakfast is now in my trashcan......thanks.....rubbing the sex thing in my face and then making me puke. With friends like EM who needs enemies.Yeah, props for that one CSB
Heres another:
Guy walks into local brothel, wanting some release. He has very little $$, so the hostess says ok, upstairs to room 5. He walks in, finds a woman laying on a bare mattress, and commences to business. Just as he's finishing, all this white stuff starts dribbling out her orifices; ears, nose, mouth - He shouts "woah, we got a problem in here." Hostess walks in, looks at the woman, and yells "pick up in room 5, the dead one's full"
Definitely :banhim:csb and EM are about to be on the 11:15 express train to Bansville, one way ticket.