the sewing machine at a wedding doesn't phase me at all - I have stood in enough weddings to know that the brides and bridesmaids dresses never fit right, and some family member has volunteered to provide alterations on the spot. "Call Aunt Lucy, she has that travel sewing machine that works great"
This guy is a groomsman or usher (red boutonnière, not white) that showed up as he was told, 4 hours before the wedding even though nobody else did and he won't be needed until 10 minutes before the wedding. He was sitting around, trying to stay out of the way and figuring out where he could get a drink when aunt Lucy asked him to run down to her 85 Buick and get the sewing machine - primarily because the female wedding party is currently in various states of undress. The groom has not shown up yet.
The fathers are standing around outside, smoking and watching all the commotion. The photographer has migrated out to be with them since they are paying the bills.
The street is closed for a public works project and the old UPS guy thought he could navigate the sidewalk so he backed down the sidewalk because G-dammit it's Saturday and I'll be dammed if I'm going to walk farther than I have to. Unfortunately the transmission has some play in it and putting it in park wasn't enough. He slid right down the hill on the tall grass.