Free and reduced lunches

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I think the difference is that the Free/Reduced lunch program allows the children to eat the "hot lunch" provided at school. I don't believe Stamps/EBT is an allowable payment option for school cafeterias. I understand those who live on this assistance have the option of bringing their own lunches at home, but I think the goal (set forth by the school and parent groups) is so that there is some assurances that the children will recieve at least one well-rounded meal in a day.

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I think the difference is that the Free/Reduced lunch program allows the children to eat the "hot lunch" provided at school.
That may depend on the district, which would make sense. I'm pretty sure they get a bolney sammich, milk, and an apple here.

The probalem the administrators had was that these kids would then go buy $2 worth of ice cream. Parents complained about that (rightly so, IMO), and since the school couldn't do anything about the kids buying it, they took out the ice cream icebox. So no desserts for anyone.

I'd like to clarify the Friday Food Bags- these are NOT government provided at all. They are a community effort, sponsored by several businesses and individuals in town, that is operated by volunteers, lowering the overhead cost. Kinda the sort of things that's brought up when the debate of "Do we give money to the government to provide for the needy or do we directly provide for the needy?" comes up.

It's not that they won't feed them, it's more commonly a can't.
If they're getting EBT, it IS a won't.
EBT doesn't cover 100% of the cost of food needs in most cases
Boloney! You can buy a ton of staples for low cost. Ain't going to be steak tartare or anything like that, but staples are fairly cheap.
there are people who apply and qualify for less than $100 in assistance per month. they are low income and the gov't is not providing for 100% of their meals.

....... we have all of this excess wealth .....
LIBERAL ALERT !!! Someone has had the Kool-Aid.

please, introduce me to ONE person (who is of sound mind) that says they have TOO MUCH MONEY. Who has this excess wealth you speak of?


If you say "other people" then you are justifying spending someone else's money for a program. Socialism/Communism.

I agree with the comments above that our government is spreading poverty by breeding a mindset of gubment teet suckers.

I have as much compassion for children as anybody, but I would like to see this "bags for Friday" program include a lesson with it. Maybe to get a take home bag, you should do a chore around the school, like collect loose paper for recycling, or help the teacher clean the chalk boards, or put chairs on the desks, etc. etc. etc. AT LEAST HELP FOSTER A VALUE TO WORK. for crying out loud.

It may be a tiny little lesson that plants a seed in a young kids mind, that helps break the generational cycle.

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I need to introduce these people to some of my in-laws. Those old Italians can feed 20 people a month of $100 worth of pasta and sauce. Geesh.

(just might not have any meatballs)

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....... we have all of this excess wealth .....
LIBERAL ALERT !!! Someone has had the Kool-Aid.

please, introduce me to ONE person (who is of sound mind) that says they have TOO MUCH MONEY. Who has this excess wealth you speak of?


If you say "other people" then you are justifying spending someone else's money for a program. Socialism/Communism.

I agree with the comments above that our government is spreading poverty by breeding a mindset of gubment teet suckers.

I have as much compassion for children as anybody, but I would like to see this "bags for Friday" program include a lesson with it. Maybe to get a take home bag, you should do a chore around the school, like collect loose paper for recycling, or help the teacher clean the chalk boards, or put chairs on the desks, etc. etc. etc. AT LEAST HELP FOSTER A VALUE TO WORK. for crying out loud.

It may be a tiny little lesson that plants a seed in a young kids mind, that helps break the generational cycle.
look at all of excess spending the government already has. how about cutting 10% of the "defense" budget for hungry kids. we have plenty of money.

I'd like to clarify the Friday Food Bags- these are NOT government provided at all. They are a community effort, sponsored by several businesses and individuals in town, that is operated by volunteers, lowering the overhead cost. Kinda the sort of things that's brought up when the debate of "Do we give money to the government to provide for the needy or do we directly provide for the needy?" comes up.
Indeed. My sister started a Blessings in a Backpack program at my niece and nephew's school in Quincy, IL. Her and a few other volunteers pack backpacks with staple-type foods every Friday to send home with the kids on F&RL. All of the food is donated, and all of the work is done by volunteers. But if I understand the liberal stance correctly, nothing like this would happen if it weren't for the Dear Leaders in Washington DC.

look at all of excess spending the government already has. how about cutting 10% of the "defense" budget for hungry kids. we have plenty of money.
"Excess spending" is right..."we have plenty of money" is VERY incorrect. As proof, please take a look at the current national debt.

the national debt is a result of poor policies. we have more money per capita than the majority of the rest of the world. we aren't poor.

look at all of excess spending the government already has. how about cutting 10% of the "defense" budget for hungry kids. we have plenty of money.
So rather than the federal government providing for the common defense of its people, you'd rather they feed the hungry kids? Surely you recognize that as a private citizen it's pretty hard to defend your life, liberty, and property against foreign aggression. And surely you recognize that as a private citizen it's pretty easy to grow some tomatoes in a garden. Why would you want the federal government to do for you what you can already do, at the expense of something you can't do?

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look at all of excess spending the government already has. how about cutting 10% of the "defense" budget for hungry kids. we have plenty of money.
So rather than the federal government providing for the common defense of its people, you'd rather they feed the hungry kids? Surely you recognize that as a private citizen it's pretty hard to defend your life, liberty, and property against foreign aggression. And surely you recognize that as a private citizen it's pretty easy to grow some tomatoes in a garden. Why would you want the federal government to do for you what you can already do, at the expense of something you can't do?

have you seen the defense budget and how much it's swollen in recent years? a 10% cut is $60+ billion dollars. it has more than doubled since before 9/11 and we are no more safe now. all we've done is taken away rights from ordinary citizens. the amount spent on iraq and afghanistan no longer has anything to do with our defense either. and you understand that not everyone has access to land capable of growing their own vegetables/fruits, right?

SapperPE said:
The other issue is that the parents don't find other means, so what we make the kids go hungry, so they don't learn as much in school, disrupt the class for the other kids, and then what happens, they fail out, don't get an education and lo and behold, what opportunity did they miss because we didn't give them a warm meal. Then we can blame them for not making a better life for themselves and get mad at them when they go on food stamps later in their lives just like their parents are. Feed the kids, give them at least the opportunity to learn.
I don't follow this is a cause-and-effect connection. Feeding != Opportunity To Learn. Public Eduction == Opportunity to Learn.

have you seen the defense budget and how much it's swollen in recent years? a 10% cut is $60+ billion dollars. it has more than doubled since before 9/11 and we are no more safe now. all we've done is taken away rights from ordinary citizens. the amount spent on iraq and afghanistan no longer has anything to do with our defense either. and you understand that not everyone has access to land capable of growing their own vegetables/fruits, right?
Run for public office or join the Department of Defense (military or civil service)... but being an armchair quarterback doesn't make you any more justified than the rest. If you've got a better idea for our national defense, make it heard and make it count!

Yes, I know not every inner-city family has the backyard to grow their own garden. But that's a free choice they make rather than living in a rural area.

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....... we have all of this excess wealth .....
LIBERAL ALERT !!! Someone has had the Kool-Aid.

please, introduce me to ONE person (who is of sound mind) that says they have TOO MUCH MONEY. Who has this excess wealth you speak of?


If you say "other people" then you are justifying spending someone else's money for a program. Socialism/Communism.

I agree with the comments above that our government is spreading poverty by breeding a mindset of gubment teet suckers.

I have as much compassion for children as anybody, but I would like to see this "bags for Friday" program include a lesson with it. Maybe to get a take home bag, you should do a chore around the school, like collect loose paper for recycling, or help the teacher clean the chalk boards, or put chairs on the desks, etc. etc. etc. AT LEAST HELP FOSTER A VALUE TO WORK. for crying out loud.

It may be a tiny little lesson that plants a seed in a young kids mind, that helps break the generational cycle.
I like this approach as well.. Teach kids that goods things can be a direct result of hard work.

SapperPE said:
The other issue is that the parents don't find other means, so what we make the kids go hungry, so they don't learn as much in school, disrupt the class for the other kids, and then what happens, they fail out, don't get an education and lo and behold, what opportunity did they miss because we didn't give them a warm meal. Then we can blame them for not making a better life for themselves and get mad at them when they go on food stamps later in their lives just like their parents are. Feed the kids, give them at least the opportunity to learn.
I don't follow this is a cause-and-effect connection. Feeding != Opportunity To Learn. Public Eduction == Opportunity to Learn.
there are direct and indirect connections between good nutrition and the ability of a child to learn. there are many articles on the subject out there. here's one:

have you seen the defense budget and how much it's swollen in recent years? a 10% cut is $60+ billion dollars. it has more than doubled since before 9/11 and we are no more safe now. all we've done is taken away rights from ordinary citizens. the amount spent on iraq and afghanistan no longer has anything to do with our defense either. and you understand that not everyone has access to land capable of growing their own vegetables/fruits, right?
Run for public office or join the Department of Defense (military or civil service)... but being an armchair quarterback doesn't make you any more justified than the rest. If you've got a better idea for our national defense, make it heard and make it count!

Yes, I know now every inner-city family has the backyard to grow their own garden. But that's a free choice they make rather than living in a rural area.
i am making it heard and known, right here, right now :laugh:

i think you're out of touch when it comes to how easy it is for someone with no money to uproot and move to a better life. especially in this economy with the number of jobs available.
