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I hope I pass, and if I do my brother and SIL will be bugging me, for sure.

I have a feeling they have been waiting for me to pass before they take the exam, so they can use my reference materials to study.
No kidding, right!
Buddy of mine is already angling for my material. I keep telling him to hold off that I haven't even gotten the results and may need my materials for a round 2 :/

Buddy of mine is already angling for my material. I keep telling him to hold off that I haven't even gotten the results and may need my materials for a round 2 :/
This past time was my third round. And from my experience, talking to people and knowing how they studied, I would bet you passed.

Hate this policy of 'coverage' at my new job. At my old job I would be out for the year starting Friday but no such luck this time around.

wow. I didn't know that I was going to get the news this off kilter with my incorrect graphite post.

7 working days left in the year for me (not counting today)
12 for me....and dang the luncheons are killing me!

We have the big faculty/staff lunch on Friday, then next week is three days of just staff here with out faculty or students so not much will get done except trying to prepare for registration after the new year, heck, not much will get done this week, it's finals week but a lot of the faculty will give in class finals so the students can get home earlier and they don't have to work.

Buddy of mine is already angling for my material. I keep telling him to hold off that I haven't even gotten the results and may need my materials for a round 2 :/
This past time was my third round. And from my experience, talking to people and knowing how they studied, I would bet you passed.
Thanks SNAPE, I hope your confidence in me is justified.

At this point I don't really when the precise release of results is...I would just like to pass so it doesn't ruin my freaking Christmas holiday.

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