FE Exam Question Grouping

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Mar 13, 2010
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Can someone who has taken the exam describe the question format? Are questions grouped and labeled by topic, ie. statics, fluids etc, or are they all mixed?

Can someone who has taken the exam describe the question format? Are questions grouped and labeled by topic, ie. statics, fluids etc, or are they all mixed?
They are not all mixed up! I can't remember if each topic is labeled, I think they are, but just can't remember. Get a sample NCEES test, it will be a big help. That is how the test is formatted.

Can someone who has taken the exam describe the question format? Are questions grouped and labeled by topic, ie. statics, fluids etc, or are they all mixed?
They are not all mixed up! I can't remember if each topic is labeled, I think they are, but just can't remember. Get a sample NCEES test, it will be a big help. That is how the test is formatted.
Actually, the questions are not labeled by topic but on the first page of the question booklet, you will see topics and question numbers e.g 1-12 maths, 13-17 statistics etc just like a table of content.

wvgirl14, it's good to hear from you again. Are you taking general or DS for PM?

Hey city, I appealed to the board and have been approved but I am to take the Civil DS. Little worried about it, but I have been through Lindeburg, Kaplan, the NCEES PE exam booklet morning questions, and going to go through some more example test. Environmental portion is going to be my weakness though. I am not real familiar with wastewater. Hope you are doing good.
