Father charged with murder after leaving kid in car all day

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Sorry for my crassness on such a classy topic.

He's been denied bond. Looks like his naked, erect penis will be on display at the jail for awhile.

some weird things that do not make sense to me from reading this court story today:

Chic-fil-a: ? Why take your son to eat if your just about to kill him? Or was that just a smokescreen? Look at me Im a perfect dad?

So apparantly he went to lunch with a friend who dropped him off by his car so he could drop off the light bulbs he had bought at lunch? Why buy light bulbs at lunch? Or was this an attempt to maybe have his friend discover the body with him that didnt happen the way he planned resulting in the "scene" created at the parking lot after work?

Speaking of work the father said he was at work from 9:14 am to 4:12 pm ? WTF who works those kind of hours?

The cops are accusing him of having money problems because his wife sent him a text bitching about something he put on the credit card. I dont know the full story but i get that from the wife all the time, I just read through some of my texts between me and the wife and they dont always read in context when you read them after the fact? in fact a lot of my texts dont read great now that I look at them, of course I dont have any with my erect penis in them, just "semi's" like the chipendales dancers (or so I am told).

Also the "I want to cheat on my wife texts" make you look like a POS to any potential *female* jury. "BUT" one thing I can say is I think lots of people go through some type of early mid life crisis when you have a kid and the newness wears off and then you realize, oh **** I really cant go out and do what I want to do anymore? Most of us just turn this new found isolation time into hanging out with other people in the same situation or finding things to do around the house (not ******* find a way to kill your kid of course). Not saing I sympothise, just that all of us with a kid that age can probably think of a time they went ****, my old life is over (99% of us just move on and find a way to deal).

This guy looks like a ********* IMO. I think his wife needs to be arrested also....

I cant put this story down, like RW, Ive been to that chic-fil-a, I actually built a project on Akers Mill road and did lots of work and spent lots of free time in this whole area, I worked at the Home Depot across the street from this chic-fil-a (Store 121!)

Just damn......

I can't either, put the story down. With 3 kids it ******* irks me hard-core. As much as I get that I'm locked in to this life of mine, I'm not bailing out, nor am I offing them. In fact today I just heard a story here in the ny area about a POS dad who left his 2 yo in his car while he went shopping. It's 90+ degrees here and in that car they said it was 120 degrees. Wtf, how are people so ******* dumb. They are your child and your ******* responsibility. I'm always looking where my kids are, especially when I'm left in charge. I hate this story.

Just saw the video and read the story. That dude and hrs wife should burn for all eternity in hell. Pain. Pain is all they should experience until the universe ceases to be .

Thanks for reminding me. Just watched the video link. I hope they rape him in prison with a razorblade dildo

Speaking of work the father said he was at work from 9:14 am to 4:12 pm ? WTF who works those kind of hours?
Lol, he spent most of his day sexting and you are worried that he only clocked a 6 hour workday?

The cops are accusing him of having money problems because his wife sent him a text bitching about something he put on the credit card. I dont know the full story but i get that from the wife all the time, I just read through some of my texts between me and the wife and they dont always read in context when you read them after the fact? in fact a lot of my texts dont read great now that I look at them, of course I dont have any with my erect penis in them, just "semi's" like the chipendales dancers (or so I am told).
It's crazy the stories cops and DAs can make up...If you haven't already read about him, you should read about Michael Morton...


He was convicted of his wife's murder based on a note that he had left complaining about how she didn't put out for his birthday, even though his son witnessed the murder and described the actual killer...

[SIZE=medium]Ive said to myself several times that either this guy is quilty as hell or he has the absolute worst luck of anyone….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]If he ends up at Jackson State prison he will be brutally ass raped several times a day and will most likely suffer a fate far worse than death.. which (if he is quilty) is not punishment enough..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]A friend of mines brother was on the scene (Cobb PD) he said the stench coming out of that car was unreal. Doesn’t know how anyone could have driven that far in the car without knowing something was in there….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Just imagine a poopy diaper being left in a hot car all day, how bad that would smell and then imagine a poopy diaper plus a dead person in a hot car..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I just find it odd that they said they had financial problems because his wife did what wife’s do and irritate their husbands about where they were spending money on (cause the wife is supposed to do all the spending of money).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]And the $25K life insurance policy on their kid taken out almost 2 years ago doesn’t concern me, lots of time you have your own life insurance they wil upsell you a similar policy for next to nothing on your kids- I am sure we have it (even though the thought of it creeps me out)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Most people in their 30’s with “real jobs” should be able to get out of $25K worth of debt without committing a crime (now if they had just taken the policy out last month then that would concern me)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]A friend of mines brother was on the scene (Cobb PD) he said the stench coming out of that car was unreal. Doesn’t know how anyone could have driven that far in the car without knowing something was in there….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Just imagine a poopy diaper being left in a hot car all day, how bad that would smell and then imagine a poopy diaper plus a dead person in a hot car..[/SIZE]

What a horrible and sad thought.

~ about the mother

official word is they dont have enough "evidence"

my guess is that they are going to either:

1) give her enough rope to hang herself

2) press her (Law and ORder Style) to testify against her husband or also face accessory charges..

I think 10 to 15 feet of 3/4" braided rope should be more than enough.

I've said to myself several times that either this guy is guilty as hell or he has the absolute worst luck of anyone….
If he's guilty he has to be one of the dumbest criminals out there. I thought he worked in the IT department. Someone who works in IT has to know that just about everything on his computer is traceable and recoverable. His actions that day almost make me think he really is innocent just because it's hard to imagine someone really being stupid enough to do the things he was doing while he knowingly left his child in the car to die.


I think I can agree that some of the stuff they presented in court was to do a character assasination of the father.. also agree lots of other holes in their case unless they find some type of smoking gun we dont know about?

I lived and worked for Cobb County and while the politicians suck, the PD is pretty much second to none in the Southeast...

this story still just distrubs the hell out of me....


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