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May 29, 2011
Reaction score
For people that have taken the exam,

What percentage of the 120 questions morning section and 60 question afternoon section were straight superficial plug and chug or quick answer reasoning questions? As compared to number of questions that had "real" depth to it.

Also, did anyone memorize the key equations for all the subject areas? Or did you have to basically look up the reference handbook for every problem?


Honestly, most questions were reasoning or straight plug and chug types. During the AM portion, you have two minutes to answer each question. You do not need two minutes to answer each question, the hardest ones on there only take 20 seconds if you know the material. The two minutes takes into account that you will not know every equation and will need to use the reference material, KNOW THE REFERENCE MANUAL.

When I took the the Civil PM portion, the hardest question only took two different calculations. One to convert units and another to plug them into the equations.

As for your second question, I did not know the key equations for any sections. I made sure to remember that KE=1/2 mv^2; PE=mgh; Q=VA; Stress = P/A. The rest required looking up in the manual. If you study the manual hard and know where all the equations lie, you can spend less than 10 seconds getting to the page you need and finding the useful equation.
