Electrical PE Exam

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Uncanny Pompadour
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta GA
The Electrical exam was COMICALLY hard! It was hilariously hard! It was so hard, I just kept laughing and laughing at how hard it was. Sure, there were a few that I nailed but the rest ...hilarious. That test was so hard. There's hope for a squeak-by but not much.

And to start off with a kick in the, um, shins, beyatch took my calculator. That's right, my trusty 1986 TI-36 Solar that runs complex numbers so well and carried me all through college was confiscated at the start because it doesn't LOOK like the TI-36x Solar that's approved. I sez it's the same darn calculator; She sez show me the picture of it on the list. Can't argue with that and I guess we were warned. No "x" in TI-36, and out it goes. Yes I had the backup HP33S but I just don't run as efficiently on that. Then she said something really funny. "That calculator is not pictured on the list and how do I know it isn't modified as a digital camera or something?"

Honey, if I were sharp enough to modify a 1986 TI-36 Solar calculator into a digital spy camera, I wouldn't need it.


Electrical PE Exam threads merged

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For real?

she said that?

You should have turned all Austin Powers on her, claimed "She's a man baby", and thrown her in a headlock right there!!!!!! (not really)

You should have said "I know it's not pictured there, but I can do the robot!" and then proceded to stand up and break into the robot break-dance. (Idea taken from Tim Meadows in a SNL skit)

"That calculator is not pictured on the list and how do I know it isn't modified as a digital camera or something?"
Honey, if I were sharp enough to modify a 1986 TI-36 Solar calculator into a digital spy camera, I wouldn't need it.
If you could do that, you could probably just show your handiwork to your state board and they'd waive the exam requirement for you, because you're obviously smart enough.


Which depth module did you take? I took the ECC depth. I thought that the AM portion of the EE was fair, but I thought the ECC depth was pretty difficult, especially the Communications questions!

By the way, if it isn't obvious I'm new here. I came across this board a few days before the exam.

I took the PE lasst year and thought that it was ruff ... espically things relating to code. However ... I PASSED. But this weekend I took the FE for the x time and thought it was more difficult than the PE. Honestly I would rather have taken the PE over. I would hedge my bets on passing the PE again versus passing the FE.

I took the PE test (Electrical & Comp/Power) for the first time on Friday. I studied my butt off and thought it was incredibly hard, although I thought the afternoon went slightly better than the morning, probably because it was more of the stuff i deal with on a daily basis.

However, after briefly peering through the questions before the end of each session I felt like I only had 50% of them right for sure. From what I've read on this board, 40/80 just ain't gonna cut it. Maybe it was just as hard for everybody else and maybe hope for some type of "curve"?

I guess time will tell, but I really don't feel good today. I am dreading retaking this test in April because I gave it my best shot this time and don't think I can do any better on the next.


Right now you may not feel like you could do it any better - but you can. Every day your experiences add to your knowledge. Sure you'll forget things, but if you have to take it again (I think I might :( ) you will have a very solid base to build on.

I sincerely mean this because that is the only thing that is keeping me sane since Friday. Most of the folks that know I took this test knew I studied like crazy and they think I'm just being pessimistic about my results, but I know that I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked.

I am going to attack a long list of things that I let slide over the last four months, enjoy my family and the holidays, and start studying for April 2007 exam (should the need occur B) ).

Good luck to everyone that made effort - it's not a gimme for anybody.

Just thought I'd start a thread for us few electricals in here to discuss the difficulty of the electrical PE exam (without violating our agreements of course!). We sort of had one going, but I'd thought we'd try to put it all in one place.

I thought the morning was very difficult with the afternoon (power) being a little better, but not by much. I'm hoping 40/80 passes otherwise I may be in trouble.

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I felt good about the morning B)

Took Power as well in the pm and felt like an ignorant fool :eek:

I made up for it by having two drinks on the way home - then I felt like a drunkin fool :thumbsup:

I felt OK in the morning as well. I took the ECC depth and thought that it was pretty difficult in particular the communications questions. So needless to say I didn't feel so hot after the PM session :cry:

I felt pretty good about 25 in the AM and 17 in the PM so it doesn't look to good!

I went home and took my wife and kids out for dinner and showed them my $200 :pencil:

Heh, heh - :pencil: $200 pencil :D

I felt better about the afternoon Power exam than the morning where I got pummeled. The AM had many questions in my weak areas and fewer questions in my strong areas, with the PM session about fairly even. I was opposite, more like 17 and 25.

Quote of the day from a friend of a friend, making an existential statement on the duality of man (or something like that): "If I DID pass, then my respect for the title of PE is diminished. Man, I hope I passed." (the guy passed)

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For what is worth to all of you that don't think you did well this October. I took the test in April, Power module, and knew (not thought) knew I could not have passed.

But low and behold just a few short weeks later :rotfl: when I got my results, I did indeed pass.

So just because you don't feel good about it now you may be surprised like I was.

I have come to accept the fact that I really did pass it and they are not going to call back and say, sorry we made a mistake.

Good luck! and Happy Waiting! :mail: MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

That is a little comforting to me. You just never know.

What I do know, is that this wait is going to be borderline unbearable!

If I didn't pass just let me know so I can get on with my life..... :ZZZ:

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No one else took the ECC depth?

Oh well, I guess I will continue talking to myself about it :violin:

From what I can gather there aren't many of us electricals visiting this board, especially those taking the communications afternoon section.

I just hope the test was as hard for me as it was for everybody else.

There aren't many electricals on this site or anywhere else in re the PE. The overwhelming majority of folks at my test site were Civil.

I went into the PM session thinking ECC, but spent 15 minutes looking at it, thought there was too much electronics for my taste (felt confident about com and controls but not electronics). I ended up doing power instead.

Why do I make so many poor decisions? :brick:


What type of work do you do? If your specialty deals with electronics, I can see how the power section would be pretty difficult.

I am a consultant in the power world, particularly the utility world dealing with transmission, substations, distribution, etc. I still found the afternoon to be pretty darn tough, but the morning was worse.

Let's just hope is was as tough for everybody else. I am hoping and praying that this little line from the NCEES website on how they score the exams holds true:

"Put another way, this means that an examinee is not penalized if the exam taken is more difficult than usual. If the exam is more difficult than usual, fewer questions must be answered correctly to achieve a passing score. "
