I don't know why it isn't regulated across the board.
I'm confused on the process and the roles of those involved.
I always thought that ELSES was basically NCEES, just set up as a sub. I can understand how/why on that one, but what I don't get is who is EES? and why are they needed if there is ELSES?
Shouldn't all NCEES tests be administered by the same body?
I think basically the states are responsible for adminstering the NCEES exams. Some of the states contract this out to testing services. These testing servicesalso adminster tests for states for barbers and accountants, etc.
EES is a subsidiary of PCS and they handle CT, IA, MA, NJ, PA, PR and VA.
CTS does IL
Castle does NY
CPS (I think) does WI
ELSES is a LLC of NCEES and does 35 other states. You can look on their website for the list of states.
I think that leaves California, Delaware, DC, Guam, Maryland, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands (basically Dleg), Rhode Island and the Virgin Islands. They do their own.
So yeah, it seems like if NCEES is doing the scoring, ELSES will get their states first and then the other contractors and individual states. I guess EES, CTS, CPS and Castle have to process the scores just like ELSES.
Then you get into the whole "Who sends out the scores) thing, which is CF in its own right. :cig: