EES states

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It's also very frustrating that EES doesn't seem to share any information, or at best releases cryptic, conflicting information. Aren't our fees/taxes paying their salary -- so in essence we are the client? How about some respect? Has anyone spoken to them lately?
You are their client?


Okay ... if you believe that one ... I have some swamp land for sale in Florida. :)

Any State other than NY deal with Castle?
Aren't those the little hamburgers that give you gas??

Is there any truth to what Egr2249 is saying about EES? Has anyone spoken to Tara lately? If this is the case, hopefully us PA residents are getting our due priority as the Keystone State!
I think everyone is getting their due attention given the fact that many of you seem to be impatient, impetuous, and irrascible!

True, but we have no way of knowing if these states are sitting on the results at this point. Many of them don't allow ELSES to process the results, so their state employees are performing that function.
Why would you blame this lady for whom you don't know anything other than she is the point of contact for the agency that is release exam results? Why would you impugn her character?

I happen to know Tara and spoken with her on several occastions. She is very nice, competent, and is known for getting the job accomplished. Just because she isn't doing what YOU want doesn't mean you need to bad mouth her.

Like many of you, I have several key decisions based on these results. The stress of the decisions themselves are enough, knowing that other states have had their results for a week is driving me straight crazy. I call EES twice daily and email regularly. They might not act quickly, but at the very least they are hearing my frustration.
Have you ever thought that for each call and email that is received from people like you that slows down the process? Have you ever considered that your unncessary pestering of the good folks at NCEES is one of the reasons release exam results takes so long?

I wish everyone well in their wait ... but lowering yourselfs to namecalling just isn't right.



If she or EES were competent, we'd have results already and this discussion would be a moot point! Patience is a virtue I don't have -- if other entities were able to do it, EES should get in the game or throw in the towel. How about we get our results when eveyone else does and you wait too open yours until California gets there if you are that patient!

KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS BRO!!! NOT HER FAULT. She is not the boss and probably replies with the same attitude she recieves a message. I had very good luck getting information.

I got this from her yesterday "Well you are correct. But I have to admit that was a refreshing email even if you are asking the same question! I do not know when you could expect them, I can tell you, we will be forwarding them to the board tomorrow, and you should expect them by the end of next week. Happy Day! " This is for the state of Iowa.


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*bold is mine.
If you believe that, you are wrong. We are not EES' customers, we are their data. EES provided a tentative date - 10 to 12 weeks from when the exam is administered, and they've given multiple polite responses to the various people. You didn't like their tentative date though, so you dismiss it. When they have given additional tentative timelines (within the next 2 weeks, for example) you dismiss them as "cryptic" and/or "rude" because you think we should get more precise answers and sooner dates... Well, as the song says, "you can't always get what you want"
Thanks for the insight.

KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS BRO!!! NOT HER FAULT. She is not the boss and probably replies with the same attitude she recieves a message. I had very good luck getting information.
I got this from her yesterday "Well you are correct. But I have to admit that was a refreshing email even if you are asking the same question! I do not know when you could expect them, I can tell you, we will be forwarding them to the board tomorrow, and you should expect them by the end of next week. Happy Day! " This is for the state of Iowa.

I assume you just hit the reply button under my post, and weren't actually responding to me since I've been trying to be the voice of reason amongst these people bashing EES for not getting their results out sooner than they have...

Any State other than NY deal with Castle?
MO dealt with MA for Cassel...that count?


I assume you just hit the reply button under my post, and weren't actually responding to me since I've been trying to be the voice of reason amongst these people bashing EES for not getting their results out sooner than they have...
YEP, sorry for that earlier. The headache's will ALL go away within 10 or so days.

Spoken by someone who has waited for results and done so like an adult.

Patience can be learned, and is a great skill to have mastered. Perhaps now would be a good time to begin cultivating it. It will serve you well in an engineering career. :)

Well said, gentlemen. :appl:

To all who are calling EES daily; I'd be careful if I were you...Capt has a point. Bug the coordinators enough and your results may be held to the last minute.

I'm also awaiting results from EES, and am doing it in a professional manner. I agree; patience is a great virtue to have in engineering.

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You may want to think twice before you post something like this, you never know who is watching these forums.

You may want to think twice before you post something like this, you never know who is watching these forums.
And what about the label I removed from my mattress oh and the "confidential" fax I inadvertently shared with a friend at work and oh yah the song I downloaded from i-tunes and let my wife copy to HER ipod. Why am I so worried about the results of the PE. Can you get free cigaretts in prison for solving engineering problems for other inmates? Do they make calculators on a rope?

Short answer: made a mistake cutting and pasting.....please don't prosecute me..."Big Brother"

It is a tiny bit amusing that you are so worried about one thing and not worried at all about another. ;)

I have to say that Tara did respond to my inquiry very politely. But after reading all the boards and email replies Im convinced that she is the only person that works for PCS..maybe out of her kitchen...maybe thats what slowing down the process..just a thought...but I bet she gets 400 emails a day asking the same question, I get about 4 emails a day that I dont like responding to...

I have to say that Tara did respond to my inquiry very politely. But after reading all the boards and email replies Im convinced that she is the only person that works for PCS..maybe out of her kitchen...maybe thats what slowing down the process..just a thought...but I bet she gets 400 emails a day asking the same question, I get about 4 emails a day that I dont like responding to...
You gotta do it if its in your job profile!!

Any Iowa results out yet? Or information on when Iowa results will be out?
