You may want to read this Qwerty vs Dvorkian Layout Anyone can be trained to perform just as fast on either layout.Have you ever wondered about why your computer keyboard is laid out the way it is? Way back in the old days (when I was just a lad), we had manual typewriters that had arms with each letter that moved and struck a ribbon in front of a paper and marked the letter on the paper. Early keyboards were laid out to maximize the speed of the typist; however, these "arms" were moving so fast they would jam against each other. So they moved the letters around so they wouldn't jam, but it slowed down the typists. That was the origin of the qwerty keyboard we have today. But with the advent of electric typewriters and computers and printers, the reason for having the qwerty keyboard doesn't exist anymore. I believe there are new keyboards available with a faster, more ergonomic layout of the keys,
Wow, that's just way too much reading this early in the day - and no pictures. I'll have to look at it later.You may want to read this Qwerty vs Dvorkian Layout Anyone can be trained to perform just as fast on either layout.
worried, which state were you inquirying about, or what was your specific question?
Here is her Email: [email protected]Damn, do you mind replying and asking about PA -- I call her regularly, so I fear she may just mess with me.
You're like the pointy-haried boss holding all-day meetings to make sure everyone is being productive...Thanks, but I should have said bother her regularly. I call and email -- so she has my name and email address. I fear she'll be less responsive with me, as I've been kind of a reality check for her and EES throughout this process. I'm that voice in her/EES's head reminding them they need to do their job efficiently becausse people are counting on them.
Here's a pretty rude reply I got when I asked her a tentative date for the PA results to be, and I don't know when.
Tara D. Elkins
Examination Coordinator
- - - - - - - - - -
Engineering Examination Services
150 Fourth Avenue, North, Suite 700
Nashville, TN 37219
- - - - - - - - - -
Phone: 877-364-3926
Fax: 615-846-0153
Email: [email protected]
The deadline to reapply for the PE in PA is September 1st, so there is plenty of time.I think they are just getting pissed off that everyone is contacting them...but at the end of the day, we need to know as the deadline for applying for the PE exam is coming up.