EES states

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Wow, all this for a couple of days!
I say leave poor Tara alone, she is just doing her job.

Also remember that the deadline for fall applications is July 1st so she is also dealing with new applications that have a deadline, the results do not have a deadline. Everyone in PA still has to wait for the board to issue license numbers, which from past posts appears to be another 10 to 12 weeks.

Exactly. I'd like to know how these people would react if they had random strangers e-mailing and calling them all day asking about progress of things that are at least partially out of their control with little to no knowledge of what actually goes into preparation of the product they're working on.

In fact, it would be an interesting exercise to give the number of any one of the people making the most noise complaining about any of these organizations to the public in the area of their next project and allow the public to call in to their office all day long questioning what is taking so long to design a simple little bridge, roadway, dam, building, whatever, and not understand why they can't get a definitive answer...

Just like the public only bases its opinion on self-conceived notions and assumptions about what goes into planning a project, that is all we have to base how long we feel it "should" take to get our results back... But clearly we must be right and the public just doesn't understand... :rolleyes:

We have had enough of entertainment already bitching about the results and the EES, lets chill for while before we open our mails....

Blah...blah...blah. Other states have had theirs for a week now, EES should be competitive.

Blah...blah...blah. Other states have had theirs for a week now, EES should be competitive.
So, are you suggesting that ELSES isn't "competetive" with themselves, since not all ELSES states have received notification yet? Would you consider EES "competetive" if ALL EES states receive notification before the last ELSES state?

Look at the apples to apples to comparisons. EES gets the results from NCEES, processes them, then forwards results to the candidate. I think EES does not add any value, as several states have received snail mail notifcations in this manner directly from the state board. NO EES STATE HAS RECEIVED RESULTS YET.

Blah...blah...blah. Other states have had theirs for a week now, EES should be competitive.
Relax... They can only do what the states have told them to do. If states do not want to email the results then they will not email the results.

Yes some of the states have received results for a week now but so far they are only 23 (about 50% of states).

Rest of the states are still waiting and some of them have to wait for entire July month!!! So yes comparing to that EES is competitive!

Again, please tell me which EES state that received results are you basing this on?

Blah...blah...blah. Other states have had theirs for a week now, EES should be competitive.
Yes, they should be and probably they are. We can't judge them based on what we know. I am sure Tara is having a very tough time now even though she isn't responsible for any delays. Besides, if you feel so strongly about the issue, I believe you should go ahead and talk to the Board.

Look at the apples to apples to comparisons. EES gets the results from NCEES, processes them, then forwards results to the candidate. I think EES does not add any value, as several states have received snail mail notifcations in this manner directly from the state board. NO EES STATE HAS RECEIVED RESULTS YET.
Yes, but not all states have the in-house capability to deal with processing of the results.

In fact, it would be an interesting exercise to give the number of any one of the people making the most noise complaining about any of these organizations to the public in the area of their next project and allow the public to call in to their office all day long questioning what is taking so long to design a simple little bridge, roadway, dam, building, whatever, and not understand why they can't get a definitive answer...
Shoot, I already have architects calling me all of the time asking when they can get my structural drawings. I've even had contractors calling because they want to bid on a project that isn't even halfway designed yet. Now, I know that grading some scantrons and mailing some letters is pretty hard stuff, so I completely understand :p I'm just being a turd. And, I am in an ELSES state and last we heard we still aren't getting our results in the mail for another week or so at the earliest.

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Yes, but not all states have the in-house capability to deal with processing of the results.
True, hence my point -- lets shift towards ELSES. EES, much like Comcast needs to step up and compete with companies that have a better product, ala Verizon FIOS.

True, hence my point -- lets shift towards ELSES. EES, much like Comcast needs to step up and compete with companies that have a better product, ala Verizon FIOS.
Yes but similar to Verizon Fios Elses may have some problems. If you are not aware Verizon Fios is not available in all areas. (Even in some of the metropolitan areas of Baltimore). Similary may be ELSES do not cover every state!

True, but pressure should be placed on EES and simiilarly Comcast to remain competitive. Comcast sat back too long and just simply raised rates without adding services, I see EES as remarkably similar.

Wow, all this for a couple of days!
I say leave poor Tara alone, she is just doing her job.

Also remember that the deadline for fall applications is July 1st so she is also dealing with new applications that have a deadline, the results do not have a deadline. Everyone in PA still has to wait for the board to issue license numbers, which from past posts appears to be another 10 to 12 weeks.


I agree that Tara is not at fault but there is a dead line for the results. If you failed you need to reapply on time.

Interesting, when it comes to reapplying EES is all high tech and you can submit application on-line. When it comes to their deliveries, i.e. exam results, they are low tech. Good thing they don't send pigeons.

I understand it could be the state board decision but EES could keep us informed when the results are in from NCEE, when they are sent to state and so on. I'm sure we would all feel better if we just had better feedback.

BTW, to those of you more patient than I am -- relax. Every day that goes by I get more frustrated with EES. This board has been very informative, but also seems to magnify my frustration. I've voiced my frustration to Tara from EES and will do so the PE board as well. The right answer should never be "because that how we've always done things."

BTW, to those of you more patient than I am -- relax. Every day that goes by I get more frustrated with EES. This board has been very informative, but also seems to magnify my frustration. I've voiced my frustration to Tara from EES and will do so the PE board as well. The right answer should never be "because that how we've always done things."
Have you ever wondered about why your computer keyboard is laid out the way it is? Way back in the old days (when I was just a lad), we had manual typewriters that had arms with each letter that moved and struck a ribbon in front of a paper and marked the letter on the paper. Early keyboards were laid out to maximize the speed of the typist; however, these "arms" were moving so fast they would jam against each other. So they moved the letters around so they wouldn't jam, but it slowed down the typists. That was the origin of the qwerty keyboard we have today. But with the advent of electric typewriters and computers and printers, the reason for having the qwerty keyboard doesn't exist anymore. I believe there are new keyboards available with a faster, more ergonomic layout of the keys, but the fact is: change is hard and it's difficult for people to move to a better way. I'm not saying it's right, and that you shouldn't continue to push for change, but that's what you're up against. And fussing and complaining to people that would rather not change anyway, is a sure-fire way to keep change from happening. Take emotion out of it and concentrate on the facts. The states that don't (or won't) change must be perfectly happy with the status quo or they would change.

My $.02. Good luck and hang in there!

I email EES specifically about the exam results for Wisconsin and here is what I got.

So for anybody waiting in Wisconsin its going to be middle of next week if what is below is true.


The grades are being mailed today.

David Lenahan

EES Client Coordinator

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Engineering Examination Services

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Thanks for the update -- I've seen his name in other posts. It seems like they have different coordinators for differernt regions. He seems more informative than our coordinator, Tara. Good luck with the results, was really hoping to hear they had already been mailed:(

Thanks for the update -- I've seen his name in other posts. It seems like they have different coordinators for differernt regions. He seems more informative than our coordinator, Tara. Good luck with the results, was really hoping to hear they had already been mailed:(
What makes you say he seems more informative? It seems to me like this is basically the same type of response we will get from Tara if contacting her the day the results will be mailed. He provided a short, to the point, response which is what Tara provides to the numerous people contacting her. Did you look at the other responses from Mr. Lenahan? "within the next 2 weeks" "in the next week"... Almost verbatim the same responses Tara is giving. The probably have fairly canned responses they give out until the results are actually sent to avoid having to explain to people why they didn't send them out on a particular day they implied they would if something gets mixed up or goes wrong...
