EB Survivor Five Year Anniversary Edition

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Sapper PE LS

Aspiring Couch Potato
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Near Alpha Centauri Relatively Speaking
So, this was a fun game that RG started five years ago. I thought we might have another go at it.

Two teams, 10 people per team. Same as the television show survivor. Each team has a challenge and the losing team has to vote off a team member.

Signups will be held until 30 JAN 2014 (unless we fill up sooner), with the game beginning on 2 FEB 2014 (exactly 5 years after the original)

This thread also serves as the signup thread.

I'll give it a go. But may be voted off due to lack of participation when grad school ramps up again. :dunno:

We've got 5 players. I also think we can play this game with anywhere between 10 and 20 players as long as there is an even number. So if we get just 5 more, we can do this.

Somebody hold csb and EG hostage till they join.

Just lock them both out of the girls room until they commit

We've got 5 players. I also think we can play this game with anywhere between 10 and 20 players as long as there is an even number. So if we get just 5 more, we can do this.

Somebody hold csb and EG hostage till they join.
I don't know if I'll be consistently online (notice I come and go in spurts lately), but I will make an effort if you need me to

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