EB Survivor Challenge 3

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Those that complain, myself included, will eventually lose their spot on the EB.COM Island. The game is set up fine.

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LOL. If that's going to be the mindset of the game where deadlines are unreasonable, the game won't last long. And furthermore, there are only 2 contributing members on our team presently. Including the one posting this.

Now, now, now Kfox, you know deep down that two days to come up with some random funny bullshit question about magical engineering is more than reasonable... and as far as the two guys participating, okay, vote the others off, kind of the point.
This is all playful banter IMO. I think the game has been fun so far and the constraints are fine. My previous comment was with regard to the submission time, not the duration. 2 days was more than enough. Using 5pm as a time slot I thought could have been improved upon, hence my corresponding comment.

My point being, we actually put some work into our questions and planned to review and submit later that evening (we like to maximize brainstorming time). Both previous challenges carried end of the day deadlines and I just blatantly assumed challenge 3 was the same. It was my bad not seeing that there was a time frame (whether it was EST or CST) attached to this deadline.

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As far as the bickering between the teams, I thought that was kind of part of it. If it's too much I can back down.

No, good natured competitive bickering is fine,

For sure! What's the matter McFly? CHICKEN?!


My point being, we actually put some work into our questions and planned to review and submit later that evening (we like to maximize brainstorming time). Both previous challenges carried end of the day deadlines and I just blatantly assumed challenge 3 was the same. It was my bad not seeing that there was a time frame (whether it was EST or CST) attached to this deadline.
I'm refusing to answer question #1 as it is vague, has poor grammer & spelling, and is overall a poorly written question. :p

Okay, questions (with answers removed) sent to opposing teams. Instructions given, make sure you spread them around to all the team members, I only sent them to one person from each team, because apparently, though I'm an admin, I can't send PM's to multiple recipients... anymore.... ahem, Knightfox, do I need to become an admin again and fix all this shit?
Does each team member have to submit their own answers, or do we answer as a team?

We were planning to submit as a team. Time frame will be no later than 9am on 8/22, Singapore time. ;)

I hope Sapper doesn't make us wait 8+ weeks to find out our results...
And if that is the case, we must ensure that NJMike has to wait at least 2 weeks longer than that. :p

We were planning to submit as a team. Time frame will be no later than 9am on 8/22, Singapore time. ;)

I hope Sapper doesn't make us wait 8+ weeks to find out our results...
And if that is the case, we must ensure that NJMike has to wait at least 2 weeks longer than that. :p
you, my friend are also a PCSer. you wait with me or


No, at first I figured each person submit, and I'd average the scores, but I don't think I was clear on that, and the truth is you'd all work on this together anyway, so all the answers would be the same, so just team submission is fine.

And, I have no intention of thinking about this in 8 weeks!

And the winner is...... The Frozen Chosen with 75/100.

HBB score 60/100. Any and all requests for rescore will be summarily denied. Any objections will be ignored. I will post each teams answers and my scoring remarks in a few minutes.

HBB, need you to give me a name within the next 24 hours or so. Vote off the weak link... I think RG needs to go, for passing, but that's just me.
