EB Mafia

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So the mafia forgot to vote? Or they couldn't come to a consensus on who to vote for?

@Town sounds y'all need to start looking at people that are inactive rather than fighting amongst the active posters.

as always 👻👻👻
Well, there's no way that they just didn't come to a consensus. A 20-player round would most likely (and only @DuranDuran PE would truly know) net 5 mafia. We've nabbed two of 'em, so that's 3 left. So one of them is inactive, and the other two couldn't decide.

As of now, 10:45 a.m. on Dec. 10, @FlangeheadPEAZ was last seen yesterday at 7:32 p.m. Sus.
Anyone can believe whatever they want, but it doesn't make me any less of a townie than any other townie.

In any case, @DuranDuran PE I vote @beccabun PE because her random vote for Square is still sus and we never got a reasonable explanation for it besides "ohhhh spicy."
@DuranDuran PE This was how I voted early. Things are getting weird though with mafia not making a kill last night so I retracted it lol

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