EB Mafia

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Good morning everyone!  Hope everyone is staying safe for those who are quarantined. As for myself, this is my third day working from home full-time. Aside from work, family and occasionally neighbors, you guys are my only social interaction, so I greatly appreciate it!
I am on week 3, day 4, and they told us we probably have another month of this on Tuesday. Sigh.

I'm still coming into work everyday!  I wish I could work from home, just to get away from the crush of people...
Still working as well. Being labeled "essential" is nice and all but this whole thing is stressing me out. My wife is working from home. The roads are deserted during rush hour and here I am still puttering back and forth to work like a robot that missed the end of the world some how. 

Still working as well. Being labeled "essential" is nice and all but this whole thing is stressing me out. My wife is working from home. The roads are deserted during rush hour and here I am still puttering back and forth to work like a robot that missed the end of the world some how. 
Exactly how I felt when I was still commuting to the office. There were maybe three or four of us at a time out of 25.  The Nashville Metro area is a hot spot right now and that's where our office is.  I have to admit working from home has been very nice. I've got my own little office area upstairs, and my wife and son stay downstairs but we've been able to eat breakfast and lunch together.  I've actually been more productive since I no longer spend close to an hour and a half on the road so I can start work early and work a little later and still come home (from upstairs lol) earlier than usual.  

I am on week 3, day 4, and they told us we probably have another month of this on Tuesday. Sigh.
I started WFH on 17 Mar, Boyfriend on 16 Mar.

His company told them they'd be WFH starting on 16 Mar.

My company has left it up to us. But our local leadership has basically kicked us out of the office and made us WFH - I think there might be 1 person working in the office. 

Boyfriend's company extended the mandated WFH until the end of April, a week ago. 

we've been wfh officially for 2 weeks, i've been wfh for an extra day. and extended til end of april. 

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You're really playing, just playing the April Fools that you're not.
Husband came home from work (since he is essential people) and said he has to work from home until Monday at least, because a guy who was there went home Tuesday, and developed a fever, headache and cough basically over night.  So they sent everyone home. Joy.  


Still working as well. Being labeled "essential" is nice and all but this whole thing is stressing me out. My wife is working from home. The roads are deserted during rush hour and here I am still puttering back and forth to work like a robot that missed the end of the world some how. 


I elected to work from home on 3/16, been at it that way ever since. Honestly, it’s been kinda nice. I’ve slowed down (working less hours), I spend more time with my family (eating lunch, etc), and more time working on the yard outside (which really needed my attention).
