EB Mafia

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Well, I mean, it's a circular table.  I'm choosing the side that has food on it.
Lazy Susan is a circular table that can ROTATE THE FOOD SO IT'S ON YOUR SIDE!

I bet you think meat trifles are bad, too.

What's not to like? Custard, good. Jam, good. Beef, good!
Someone actually brought this trifle to work. Listed the ingredients on it (beef, peas, etc., along with the whipped cream, custard, raspberries, etc.) Didn't actually have beef. Was disappointed.

I am trying out a salon that @JayKay PE recommended. Was supposed to go tomorrow night but we're potentially getting ice dun dun dunnnn. So they let me come in early and are at least keeping their judgment for my reschedule (Texans can't drive in ice) to themselves.

ANYWHOO @Chattaneer PE i vote for @LyceeFruit PE unless she gives me stronger evidence that she was investigated.
