EB Mafia

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@Chattaneer PE is letting everyone declare freedom from any messages; then use the shock and awe technique to kill us all off in one foul swoop!

It'll be the shortest round with this many players.

@Chattaneer PE is letting everyone declare freedom from any messages; then use the shock and awe technique to kill us all off in one foul swoop!

It'll be the shortest round with this many players.
Plot twist, @Chattaneer PE is the serial killer. (And maybe all the other roles) 

I would like to point out, I have also not received a message with my role.

I like @Roarbark's idea better. You're all going to die mwahahhahah AHAHHAHAHA!

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I would like to point out, I have also not received a message with my role.
I hereby assign you role of town jester. You may not vote or participate in the game in any manner other than entertaining us with a grand story of death and betrayal or we shall throw rotten fruit at you.


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I always thought Megaman was more of a android?  You know, robot made to look human?  I don't think they'd be considered a robot, though the other villains do at times look more robot than android, and others look almost cyborg than robot?

Long story short: not an animal, I ain't friends with you.
