EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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A second week has passed since the exam. The Spam thread is now at 3,593 posts long; it's still mostly vets but a few no0bz have joined in on the fun.  Meanwhile the WTTS thread is on page eight and the nubz are starting to show signs of Phase 2 (second guessing).

It was a pretty boring week on the board. The most excitement came when @Will.I.Am PE started taking bets on the release date. An interesting new take on "Guessing the release date". He used a fancy algorithm (read: asking @RBHeadge PE) to determine the over/under, and collected bets from two dozen examinees. Things were gong great until @_TheDude_ felt that it was inappropriate to engage in such activity and he notified Nieces. They replied that it wasn't against the candidate agreement but demanded a sacrifice for wasting their time.

The examinees had a vote. And it was split 50/50. But Neices had to be satisfied, so a moderator told them to rock paper scissors to determine the winner.

@Will.I.Am PE

  1. Scissors
  2. Scissors
  3. Scissors
  4. Paper
  5. Paper
  6. Paper
  7. Rock
  8. Rock
  9. Rock
  10. Rock  :th_rockon:


1 scissor

2 rock

3 scissor

4 paper

5 paper

6 rock

7 rock

8 scissor

9 rock

10 scissor

Neices nullified @_TheDude_'s results. He was a regular examinee and the vigilante.

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