EB Mafia

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@RBHeadge PE I vote for @LyceeFruit PE because she needs to be woodchippered again. 

FTR, I never actually said how many people were given the role of town drunk. Look at the wording closely. Nor did I say that non-drunks couldn't behave like drunks either. However this round the town drunk has no effect on game play and it's just a flavor role. I wanted to see how it would work in practice before assigning it a potentially game effecting role.

I will say that there is at least one person in that group who was assigned the role officially, and at least one person in that group who was not assigned that role.

A full week has passed since the exam. The Spam thread is only 1,247 posts long and its mostly the vets discussing how to set up retirement accounts, or talking about what they made for dinner the night before. At this rate It'll be four months before the spam thread hits the required 15k to release the results. Meanwhile the WTTS thread is on page six and the no0bz are still calmly in stage 1.

But the real excitement came on the Tuesday after the exam. Some of the examinees couldn't help themselves and started discussing question 86 of the Software PE exam. A passionate discussion broke out on how to solve the problem on parallel processing nested if/then/else statements. @MEtoEE insisted that the Runge-Kutta integration scheme was needed, @squaretaper LIT AF PE gave a solution using Navier-Stokes, @LyceeFruit PE arrived at a similar solution using the one-group thermal neutron diffusion equation, and @MadamPirate correctly pointed out a couple of distractors and found the answer using Ohm's law.  But then timothy@nieces showed up and reminded everyone of the candidate agreement they signed prior to the exam.  Nieces demanded a sacrifice!

After a few hours of gif based discussions in the spam thread, the forum voted to sacrifice  @squaretaper LIT AF PE. Neices invalidated his exam scores. He will now have to spend the next five months studying for the Aerospace Engineering PE exam... again.

@squaretaper LIT AF PE was a normal examinee waiting for his results.

Final Tally:

@MEtoEE 1 (square)

@squaretaper LIT AF PE 3 (metoee, cheby, lycee)

@LyceeFruit PE  1 (madampirate)

@MadamPirate 1 (jean)

The remaining players are:

@LyceeFruit PE @jean15paul_PE @Roarbark @ChebyshevII PE @_TheDude_ @MadamPirate @chart94 @MEtoEE @Will.I.Am PE @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @NikR_PE

whoa whoa whoa! I thought the vote was at 10 EST! @RBHeadge PE I'd like to vote radomly for REDACTED. One of the drunks cheated on the exam and this will not stand!!!

**Edit** Vote Removed since after the deadline

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Ok, Let’s play Mafia - Welcome to the Suck Edition.

There are people waiting on their exam results (Townsfolk), and trolls with burner accounts (Mafia members). There is a rumor that the results won't come out until an appropriate number of examinees are offered as sacrifice. It's obviously BS, but everyone is so stressed out that they believe it anyway. Townsfolk are going to try to eliminate the Mafia before the Mafia eliminates them. The game ends when either all of the Mafia is eliminated (town wins), or there are fewer townsfolk than Mafia members (Mafia wins).

In addition to regular townsfolk and members of the Mafia, there may also be a Lawyer (Doctor), a Vigilante, Meme Poster (Town Drunk), or a Forum Admin (Cop). The Doctor can choose someone to “save” during the night; if they choose the same person the Mafia chose, then that player will escape having their scores invalidated that night. The Vigilante is a Regular Townsfolk who can occasionally choose someone to have their scores invalidated (be eliminated) during the night. The Town Drunk may only post in this thread in memes, gifs, videos, emojis, etc; but they may vote using normal text; they may use normal text in PMs and in other threads; the Town Drunk is not an exclusive role and may have another role. The Cop can “investigate” players during the night.

During the day, everybody (Townsfolk and Mafia) will publicly vote for a person to sacrifice; I will eliminate the person with the most votes at the end of the day and reveal what their role was.

The Mafia members are going to privately tell me who they would like to eliminate during the night. I will reveal to everyone what happened the next morning. Night eliminated players will not have their role revealed.

The Mafia members know who each other are, but no one knows anyone else’s role except me. I have sent more specific instructions to the members of the Mafia, the Doctor, Vigilante, and the Cop. If you did not receive a PM from me, then you are a regular townsfolk.

You may use this thread to vote and post about the game. Anyone (playing or not playing, eliminated or not) can use this thread to speculate, discuss, accuse, or otherwise participate in the game; just please make sure to follow regular EB forum guidelines.

To vote on a person to eliminate, mention me ( @RBHeadge PE ) in a post on this thread and tell me specifically that 1) you are voting and 2) the username of the person you are voting to eliminate. Please submit your votes by 9:00pm Eastern Time each day; I will count votes after that time as being for the next day.

Your vote only counts if you are playing and not yet eliminated. If there is a tie for most votes, I will pick one of the voted users at random; or have a best 2/3 rock paper scissors match. If there are no votes, I will pick a person at random (i.e. role will not matter) to eliminate; suffice it to say it’s in both groups’ best interest to vote for at least one person.

The first vote will take place tonight on Monday (Jan 6).

For reference, the players in this round are:

@LyceeFruit PE @jean15paul_PE @squaretaper LIT AF PE @Roarbark @ChebyshevII PE @_TheDude_ @MadamPirate @chart94 @MEtoEE @Will.I.Am PE @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @NikR_PE


"BING" chimed her phone! @MadamPirate looked down at her phone and was excited to see that it was an email from Nieces. Her first thought was "I sure am glad that I signed up for the early results notification program"! Her face went slack when she opened the email. @MadamPirate received an "exam survey". She decided that she would take off two months before studying for the exam again.

The remaining players are:

@LyceeFruit PE @jean15paul_PE @Roarbark @ChebyshevII PE @_TheDude_ @chart94 @MEtoEE @Will.I.Am PE @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @NikR_PE
