EB Mafia

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Totally missed the crazy voting last night. Looks like the cop investigated the right person. I am just a regular (townie) contestant who had been throwing up last couple days to fit into my sexy dress. Should be able to vote tonight. Not sure how that will go with the results coming out.

BTW the stomach flu seems to have passed and we are all better now. And on the plus side i lost 4 lbs.
I'm not sure what th eproper reaction is to this, so yaay?!? on the weight loss?


Off topic: When did I become seen as an expert on EB? I've gotten a few messages today from people who failed asking me to look at their diagnostic or asking my opinion about them taking a class.

I mean, I am pretty amazing, but they don't know that. 😛

Off topic: When did I become seen as an expert on EB? I've gotten a few messages today from people who failed asking me to look at their diagnostic or asking my opinion about them taking a class.

I mean, I am pretty amazing, but they don't know that. 😛
You help one or two and you start getting a ton of PM's. I have to look through the ones them once or twice a day to answer then spend more time later to really clean them out.

I go to lunch and miss a bunch of votes, is there information on Lycee that I'm missing?
No, I voted for her in order to give MetoEE his vote (since he's dead and can't vote). Then a whole truckload of people copied me, for reasons I'm unsure of. 

Note Jean said it was random, and didn't realize. Dunno if anyone else said anything...

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Thanks Roar, I did see something about RB's analysis as well in the thread.

I'll review things before placing a vote, I might join my fellow townies in the mob thinking for today.

Guys, im a townie who is still waiting for their results. Please dont kill me, i need something to distract me tomorrow while I wait. They closed the spam thread on me. I HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO IF YOU KILL ME
