EB Mafia

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I missed the party last night. Sorry, life.

I keep hoping to find my name in the story, but apparently @JayKay PE doesn't like me. LOL, joking. I know you gotta write where the inspiration takes you. Your physical description of @Audi driver, P.E. in the first writeup still haunts me. 😜

Does anyone have anything better to go on than who voted for townies? I know it doesn't confirm anything, but I got nothing so far. 

Also coffee...
Usually I go to bed by 9pm during the week, tbh, since I wake up at 5am.  Since voting closes at 10pm, and everyone does last minute voting, I kinda can't start writing until maybe 10:15ish.  Then I got to plan it out/make sure I'm not making people think so-and-so is mafia and/or townie, because it's supposed to be fun narrative but I think people thought I was saying who was who?  I'll try to put you in the next round (but you've gots to vote!).

Totally missed the crazy voting last night. Looks like the cop investigated the right person. I am just a regular (townie) contestant who had been throwing up last couple days to fit into my sexy dress. Should be able to vote tonight. Not sure how that will go with the results coming out.

BTW the stomach flu seems to have passed and we are all better now. And on the plus side i lost 4 lbs.

Ok I have a report due today so am gonna get my vote out of the way early - @JayKay PE I vote for @MadamPirate. Clearly people must have known something was up with @ChebyshevII PE to change their votes at the last minute, but she didn't and kept hers on a townie. I think she was trying to protect @ChebyshevII PE.
To be fair, I have no idea why everyone changed to cheb either... @JayKay PE i vote for...

In other news, apparently it has begun... 
