EB Mafia

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I see only 8 of the remaining contestants have yet to vote.That's 50% participation from the remaining folks. I reckon the mafia haven't voted yet or are waiting towards the end of the day to do so.
Now if I vote you'll reckon I'm mafia, eh?
I just have no idea who to vote for... @blybrook PE: Suicidal, as in Square voted for himself? Cat Lady says he voted for you. 

Now if I vote you'll reckon I'm mafia, eh?
I just have no idea who to vote for... @blybrook PE: Suicidal, as in Square voted for himself? Cat Lady says he voted for you. 
I have a feeling that there's 4 mafia, so if none of them have voted yet, that's 25% of the remaining votes to be cast providing they haven't voted yet at all.

Squaretaper voted for me in retaliation after I had originally voted for him due to his claim to be mafia; then declared he was pulling an Audi and was suicidal.  At the moment, I'm going to believe his tactic. He has yet to change his vote to someone else.

I then voted for someone who didn't vote yesterday and was conveniently left out of the lynching narrative last night.

I just have nothing. I had some somethings but I can't keep track of them

I see only 8 of the remaining contestants have yet to vote.That's 50% participation from the remaining folks. I reckon the mafia haven't voted yet or are waiting towards the end of the day to do so.
I am losing track of all the voting changes. Also feel shitty about voting @MEtoEE out yesterday and want to be more judicious with my vote 

Current vote:

@Spickett(tj, lycee, leggo)

@blybrook PE (square)

@squaretaper PE (chebs, madam, spickett)

@RBHeadge PE (bly)

I then voted for someone who didn't vote yesterday and was conveniently left out of the lynching narrative last night.
All narrative are just JK writing.  They do not implicate any particular persons as being mafia.  I try to include everyone who voted in the narratives but sometimes I forget someone. Please do not take them as clues or hints.  🤷‍♀️

Whelp, I guess I should retract my vote for @squaretaper PE... who else has been oddly silent today...
If this is a real retraction, please @ me.
