EB Mafia

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Geeze, I go to a couple teleconferences and come back to ya'll sharing pet photos and getting lynching tools ready.  

In the south, if you live above Mason Dixon you're a Yankee.....friendo.

The mason dixon line touches PA....I find that a little far north for my comfort.
Yeah, in my deep south opinion. The south looks something like this...


Miami is definitely not the south and Houston is the only city in Texas I'll claim, all the rest is "West"

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So this is a common thing? I was starting to get worried I had done something incriminating.
It's not a written or unwritten rule. But it feels like we've voted out the new guys first in almost every round we had rookie players.

You shouldn't be worried, unless you're mafia. Are you mafia?

FWIW, I tend to be one of the more (read: only) analytical players, and you have not done anything, yet, to incriminate yourself.

It's not a written or unwritten rule. But it feels like we've voted out the new guys first in almost every round we had rookie players.

You shouldn't be worried, unless you're mafia. Are you mafia?

FWIW, I tend to be one of the more (read: only) analytical players, and you have not done anything, yet, to incriminate yourself.
For the record, I'm not mafia.

How Canadian of you.
I mean my family is legit Canadian - immigrated between WW1 & WW2 and most of the fam is still spread across Canada 

If I'm gonna watch a sport, I'd rather it be hockey. THAT is very Canadian of me 
