EB.com wikipedia page

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lol, great entry

I don't know too much about editing on Wikipedia. I heard they started moderating a lot more after Stephen Colbert went on his show and suggested people just start editing entries to say whatever they wanted.



Man, that Stephen Colbert commentary on Wikipedia was great! He encouraged everyone to go on Wikipedia and say that the elephant population in Africa was actually increasing instead of declining :D I think the topic of his rant was Wikiality.

post the link and I will help you fight off all the internet geeks who will want you to be deleted :0 (or PM if you dont want to link it)

Wow, a whole paragraph about me! That's pretty sweet.

How come I'm infamous though? :(

No one likes poor Fudgey. First "the other board" disowns me, now I'm villianized on Wiki.

I don't fullly understand Wikipoedia. Is it supposed to allow anyone to get on and make submittals? If so, I would think everyone would try to get on there to submit an "advetorial" about their interests.

Why did they cut EB off?


i saved all the geeks names that were wanting it deleted and from another IP I am going to creatively edit some of the crap they have on there.

Funny what you find browsing through some of these old posts. Here's a classic from the deletion log on wikipedia:

True Story Even if this gets deleted it doesnt change the fact that most of you havenot kissed a girl before[citation needed]Road guy 12:51, 22 September 2006 (UTC)

"It certainly is the case that no one without a PE licence ever does anything useful for society"
