Drunk Tank-3-7-14: special edition

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Not sure what this evening will be for me. I found out today that one of my friends lost his mother this week. The visitation is this evening. This has just not been a happy week.

Just found out that an old hs friend's son passed away recently. Her son was sevrely mentally and physically disabled but still, losing a child at the age of 35-36 is completely devastating. I hate death

Death is part of life. As devastating as it can be, it is the end of life and we all have a beginning and an end. It is easier for those who believe in an afterlife, but it still sucks.

I know and I do believe in an afterlife. Death completely does suck as we all found out this week. Being a parent, I cannot fathom losing a child.

Neither can I, but I have friends who have lost a child. They continue living and have a heartache forever.

BTW, I had 2 for Mat tonight - flavored vodka and diet pepsi. (Pretty good.)

Here's to you Mat. You lived a short life. You made a difference as an engineer, as a friend, as a son. I hope we have a great EB meetup with you one day.

BTW, I had 2 for Mat tonight - flavored vodka and diet pepsi.  (Pretty good.)

Here's to you Mat.  You lived a short life.  You made a difference as an engineer, as a friend, as a son.  I hope we have a great EB meetup with you one day.  
As I pop open #2 right now, I raise it and say cheers to that.

Got this cup in the Keys.....reminded me of his key west trip...

Back to drinking on work nights....

Girlie drink but I'm out o beer:-

House is finally put back together after yesterday's shindig. I say that earns me a gin n tonic.

Here's to you Mat. You were there for me at my low point, even though you were going through hell yourself. Thanks for being my homie.

How did I miss this?????

And I sat around at home all day yesterday, I could have participated!

^ wait, there's a "leg thread" in the women's forum?
