Do you think you passed?

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I feel good about this one but have doubts. What about you?
Stay positive and replace bad thoughts with good ones; i.e. you filled all 80 bubbles, you got there in time, you qualified to sit for the exam ect... Glass is half full! So Drink til it's empty....

Doubt is like cancer get ride it to avoid destroying the good feelings.

When I first left I knew I failed it. The morning went pretty good but the afternoon was terrible for me. I believe I may have gotten 20/40 in the afternoon if I'm lucky. Then when I got to work the next Monday several of the PE's that have passed told me they felt the same way. That gives me a glimmer of hope.

I'm real hopeful I passed but I won't be surprised if I didn't make it. Either way I'll hang out here until I make it and then try to help others. There are a lot of good people on this forum.

i'm about 99.999% sure i passed (only 4-5 wrong on each section i think), but you never know

Wow, that must be a nice feeling. I have absoLUTEly no idea. I'm at about 50-50 whether or not I passed. I'm a pretty good test-taker in general. I'm hoping dumb luck kicked in again. C'mon dumn luck!!!

I don't know... Seems like I should pass... I think I got 8 wrong in morning section and 4 wrong in afternoon section.... But the big word is "I think". I could have got some more wrong!

When I left the exam I felt really really confident. There were only 1 or 2 questions I wasn't sure how to approach, and outside of a few morning questions I just didn't have the right references for (highway/transportation stuff), I felt like I knew how to approach each question and even if I wasn't confident, I felt like I had a reasonable approach and the answer matched one of the selections. By the following day however, I felt way too overconfident (based partly on conversations with PEs who felt like they bombed it afterward) and figured that either I breezed through it and was way over-prepared, or else I completely over-simplified everything and bombed it hard-core, but I still felt pretty decent.

Now, as time has elapsed, I feel less and less confident every day... This waiting truly is the hardest part!

I make it through by telling myself that you can miss so many! What's it? 24? That's a LOT of problems you can miss, I think. (I'll be deleting this account ID if I fail lol)

I agree. The longer I wait, the worse I feel. At this point I just want to know, either way.

I agree. The longer I wait, the worse I feel. At this point I just want to know, either way.
After the exam I felt like I aced it but as time passed I had more and more doubts!! I guess thats basically the steps you go through before results!

AL board have it on website that they expect to get PE results June 15th! Thats good news!

After the exam I felt like I aced it but as time passed I had more and more doubts!! I guess thats basically the steps you go through before results!
AL board have it on website that they expect to get PE results June 15th! Thats good news!

Just after the exam while moving out of hall, I was feeling Gr8. One week after doubts start getting in, not so sure, I think I did good.

After the exam I felt like I aced it but as time passed I had more and more doubts!! I guess thats basically the steps you go through before results!
AL board have it on website that they expect to get PE results June 15th! Thats good news!

I visted Alabama board website, it says WEEK of June 15 not the June 15th. It can be any day this week.

I felt horrible the day of the test... after it was over i thought i did all right... but every week since has me doubting. i'm sick of waiting, but if its bad news i don't want to know!

I took the SE I and felt like I got about 65% correct. Not sure what the cutoff is but I feel I'll either barely pass or barely fail.

Wow, that must be a nice feeling. I have absoLUTEly no idea. I'm at about 50-50 whether or not I passed. I'm a pretty good test-taker in general. I'm hoping dumb luck kicked in again. C'mon dumn luck!!!
this is exactly how I feel. I took the environmental exam.

some parts I felt really good about, some I really just don't know, I second quessed myself a lot. it's really 50/50 for me.

i share the same sentiments as all of you...i am hoping that ELSES/State Boards will be able to put us all out of this misery soon....

[SIZE=18pt]I'm with you, bro. I'm riding the same feeling with yours.[/SIZE]

Less and less sure about my chance, from 99.8% sure to 50% now.

But, pal, we shall hang in there for couple more weeks.

Good luck and God Bless All Engineers fighting their Exams!

I don't know... Seems like I should pass... I think I got 8 wrong in morning section and 4 wrong in afternoon section.... But the big word is "I think". I could have got some more wrong!
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