I got an echo plus (and an echo non plus for upstairs), and new silverware. I've never had my own new full set of silverware, ever. It's like I'm going to officially be an adult, now. I also took my boots to a shoe shop to get new heels and got my garage door serviced. wtf is this adulting stuff???
chatted with alexa last night a little bit. I want to figure out how to get her to talk to my xbox and play tv shows by voice command!
I'm also very excited to not have any plans this coming weekend and also not be hosting anybody, so i can sit around and do nothing/play video games/sleep whenever I want for however long I want.
chatted with alexa last night a little bit. I want to figure out how to get her to talk to my xbox and play tv shows by voice command!
I'm also very excited to not have any plans this coming weekend and also not be hosting anybody, so i can sit around and do nothing/play video games/sleep whenever I want for however long I want.