Countdown to Star Wars

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Is it just me or does this one look and feel more "realistic" or grittier (sp?) than its predecessors?  BTW, the more I watch episode 7, the less I like it.  Too much plagiarism, lazy writing, plot holes, coincidences, etc.   

I think your right, it was good in the theaters but it doesn't have that "watch again" quality... To be fair Not many movies do these days, but it does appear to be missing a fluid story line, even the story line of the prequels is more intriguing- even with the bad acting and over reaching CGI

so they basically made an entire movie off of one line of EP IV...  but I guess I have always wanted to know what a Bothan Spy looked like?

so they basically made an entire movie off of one line of EP IV...  but I guess I have always wanted to know what a Bothan Spy looked like?
Wasn't that line from episode 6 regarding the emperor overseeing the final rebuilding phase of the deathstar?

I'm just the right age I guess. They re-released episode 4 in the theatre before empire when I was 5.

I know you're not supposed to ask questions like this of a fictional movie, but where do you get enough materials of the right type to build something as big as a moon?  Wouldn't the empire have a serious sourcing issue?

I know you're not supposed to ask questions like this of a fictional movie, but where do you get enough materials of the right type to build something as big as a moon?  Wouldn't the empire have a serious sourcing issue?
Entire galaxy and light speed travel = no worries
