Can I get your PDF files and civil/structural books?I have all of the reference material for the Civil Construction P.E. exam for sale. I also have a substantial amount of PDF practice exams and reference material for the morning and afternoon portion of the test for construction and structural. if anyone is needing anything please let me know.
View attachment 21599View attachment 21600View attachment 21601View attachment 21602View attachment 21603
You selling formwork for concrete SP 4 and test master for construction? Can you email me as well?I have all of the reference material for the Civil Construction P.E. exam for sale. I also have a substantial amount of PDF practice exams and reference material for the morning and afternoon portion of the test for construction and structural. if anyone is needing anything please let me know.
View attachment 21599View attachment 21600View attachment 21601View attachment 21602View attachment 21603