KatyLied P.E.
The Alchemist.
I know it's been awhile since you asked this but I passed the CEM about 3 years ago. As a electric utility marketing employee I work a lot with our industrial customers. Some of them have it, and along with my PE I find that it gives me more credibility with them. The CEM basically certifies that you are competent in energy management on the customer side of the meter. After I passed the CEM AEE sent me a letter saying that if I sent them $25.00 they would certify me as a CDSM (Certified Demand Side Manager). It's basically the same thing except it means competency on the utility side of the meter. These days you have to take a separate test but they'd just started the CDSM and if you had recently passed the CEM and worked for a utility they would grandfather you in. I will say that AEE does seem to have a certification for everythingAnyone taking CEM Exam? I just took PE exam and PMP is my next goal. I also manage energy incentives for our clients and is curious to know if CEM certification will add any value to my resume?
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