well here is a little re-cap of my Key Largo trip (GCracker I wish I would have done the seaadverntures one, it looked much better than ours ended up)
We decided to go with Divers Supply, the dive shop my wife did her certification with, she felt since it was her first time in the ocean and since her original instructor was going that she would feel more comofortable (I guess she doesnt trust me). anyways just before the trip we found out he wouldnt be going so that was a waste, but we were worried about the hotel and where it was, we should have known when they were very hesitant to tell us the name.. It ended up the hotel was actually pretty nice, right on the water, but there was no place within walking distance (bars, restaurants, shops) that was a major bummer for us, I dont understand why they wouldnt (knowing everyone is stuck down there without a ride) select a hotel that was closer to the central business district, but I think they thought this was a "dive trip" and not a vacation. We did end up shuttling to a publix and loading up on beer, food, etc, so we mainly hung around at the back of the hotel, which wasnt all that bad.
The diving was great, the current was a little more than we expected, got to do 8 dives, plus a night dive which was really cool, I had never done one of those and it was cool how the same reef looks totally different at night, lobsters everywhere.
Here goes the gripe.... the drivers on the way back were not really in a"Hurry" so we left Key Largo about 3 PM Saturday, one driver set up to sleep during the day so he could drive at night, but the other driver kept stopping and stopping every hour or so, it was pretty anoying to get everyone back on the RV everytime we stopped. I think the whole group was ready to get back to Atlanta and was kind of puzzled as to why we kept stopping, but early on we didnt groan to much, just wanted to get back home..
We then make another stop around midnight just south of the Ga/Florida line, about 4 people in our group were doing an advance class and the driver/instructor decided to fill out all the paperwork in a waffle house, which took another good hour while the rest of us waited.... by this point everyone is tired and pissed off.. some emotions / anger start to spew about the lack of organization (why couldnt they fill out the forms in the RV? after all there is a sofa, table, etc.. lights..)
anyways we finally get back on the road and then we find out we have to stop in Macon, Ga (about 2 hours south of Atlanta) The company has another store in macon. They wanted to offload the RV and trailer(large,large trailer full of dive gear) because the owners of the company like to keep the RV in macon and not Atlanta (dont know why)
......and the drivers we had didnt have a clue how to unload the large trailer we had all our gear in. In the interst of time several of us unload the trailer and load it onto the van they had to drive us back in, the hitch wasnt the right size so we had to wait while they called the owners to find out where the right hitch was, then no one knew the password to the alarm on the store, wasted about an hour and its now 3 AM so people are just pissed off.
I didnt understand why they didnt drive us straight to atlanta and let one of there hourly store employees drive the RV back down the next day (thats how I wouldl treat my customers)
Then they decide they want to go ahead and fill the RV up with gas before we leave, did I mention its 4 AM and we had been in the RV for about 12 hours already? I again didnt understand why one of the Macon employees wouldnt do this the next day? Why waste our time with it?? Or at least do it while we are unloading the trailer instead of standing around.
While they were on the phone with one of the owners he told them to pick up an order (that was in the macon store that needed to be shipped to atlanta)for one of their stores, (guess who helped load?) yup,, the "customers" not a big deal, but it wasted more time, everyones crabby and just ready to get home.
So about 5AM Sunday we finally get on the road to Atlanta where I was at my house around 9:00 AM...........
The dive part I had a great time with, but the logistics were very dissapointing(but the trip was relatively cheap $599/person) but I dont think I willever go that route again, it was good to get away and get some dives in, but next time I will fly and schedule my own dives and hotel

or try the outift that Gcracker mentioned...
I have groaned to the owners via email, they were very apologetic, but I dont think they knew hoe inneficient there drivers were...... when I drive on a long trip we dont stop excpet for gas or if someone is in visible pain they need to pee!!!!!