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Me 3, but I won't touch the damn skillet with my bare hands.

That reminds me, someone had a two stage seasoning process that they recommended. It was using peanut oil and something else. I had a family member wash my skillet with soap and water a month ago and I need to re-season. Please post it if you got it.

I love cooking with cast iron.
me 2
I have a big cast iron dutch oven (no pithy remarks please) that I love to use for stews. Another month or so and I'll be ready to make a big batch with root veggies and winter squashes.

I also have a dutch oven, Lodge brand. I love that thing. I cook a lot of stuff in it, shrimp and grits, steaks, shrimp gumbo, fried chicken, even corned beef.

Nothing better than cooking with cast iron. We have a smaller one that we cook cornbread in. Good stuff.

"OMG, our children were delicious! Let's have another, honey!"

"know what I love about wearing a dress, dear? I can really rip some massive gas! Ahhhhh..."

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I love cooking with cast iron.
me 2
I have a big cast iron dutch oven (no pithy remarks please) that I love to use for stews. Another month or so and I'll be ready to make a big batch with root veggies and winter squashes.

I also have a dutch oven, Lodge brand. I love that thing. I cook a lot of stuff in it, shrimp and grits, steaks, shrimp gumbo, fried chicken, even corned beef.
Damn, that sounds so good. My wife eats like a rabbit, so none of those will come to fruition.

I don't think my wife will ever let me cook shrimp gumbo in the house again. You have to boil about 2 lbs of shrimp heads for about 4 hours to make a shrimp stock and it makes the whole house smell like.....well.....shrimp heads. I've been banished to the outdoor cooker for that type of thing.

shrimp heads are one of my favorite foods.... Its really tough to beat a big pile of spicy salty fried shrimp heads... I also like the legs, when you get the whole shrimp fried (no batter) the legs are all crunchy and tasty... mmm.

Shrimp=cockroach of the sea

^this is true... in the right setting, and with proper seasoning, I might eat a roach.

Disagree. If we're speaking from an ecosystem point of view, a more appropriate analogy would be crabs=cockroach of the sea. Crabs are scavengers, e.g. eat stuff that's already dead. Shrimp eat plankton.

I don't think my wife will ever let me cook shrimp gumbo in the house again. You have to boil about 2 lbs of shrimp heads for about 4 hours to make a shrimp stock and it makes the whole house smell like.....well.....shrimp heads. I've been banished to the outdoor cooker for that type of thing.
I would love to try that gumbo sometime.

I am so glad it's starting to cool off here in New England. I love to make soups and stews. There's one I came up with on my own where you take as many winter squash as possible - acorn, turbin, butternut, buttercup, etc. - and throw them in with some root veggies like carrots, turnips, and parsnips, and just let it cook away for a few hours. The squash cooks down into a thick chunky broth, while the vegies hold their shape. Sometimes I add lamb to it, other times just veggies. Combine that with a crusty loaf of bread out of the breadmaker, and you're all set for a chilly fall evening.
