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Lol! They're busy releasing state results today. I don't know if that delays the national results or not. 

Historically, is California a 1st day state or 2nd day?

I wish it is 1st day but we do have state exams so and extra day would make sense but uggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh

Ok guys I went to the website of California Board of Professional Engineers and they are in a board meeting which should start at 1:00PM.

So, the release is generally after the meeting is over so just pray someone makes the cut off low and we all in there.

GOD be blessed for everything.


Ok guys I went to the website of California Board of Professional Engineers and they are in a board meeting which should start at 1:00PM.

So, the release is generally after the meeting is over so just pray someone makes the cut off low and we all in there.

GOD be blessed for everything.

View attachment 13094

October 2018 was more or less the same scenario for California. Did not receive the results on Day 1 with the majority of the other states. Someone called the board at 3 or 4 pm PT and was told that NCEES was already authorized to release results by the board. But NCEES closes at 2 PM PT, so the result email was received at 5:15 AM (PT) the next day. You guys will have it before you wake up (that is if you can sleep tonight) Good luck!

Was this a scheduled meeting or ad-hoc? I;m inclined to believe that this doesn't have anything to do with the release of the results. I don't recall California needs a board meeting in the past to release.

The meeting agenda is posted. Sure doesn't look related. Could be, but I'm thinking not.

Looks like we'll be getting results bright and early tomorrow, probably before 6 am...

I really wish we could've gotten them this afternoon so a fail wouldn't totally ruin the whole day 😕

I’m in Ohio but tested in CA.  I won’t know til after I’m at work when a sudden request for a personal health day would be suspicious.

I have an all day meeting tomorrow. If results are released, I hope I’ll be strong enough not to check till I get home. Otherwise my co-workers will see another side of me. 

If I fail, I am probably gonna cry. If I pass, I will get up and do my happy dance. Either reaction is embarrassing.

Woke up and checked NCEES. Almost passed out looking at the screen..for it to say "Results Pending"
Anxiety level is over 9000
Back to listening to my mandatory OSHA 10hr training
