Yeah, she pulls that all the time. I try my best not to let it happen. She will mow again, and she will go back and re-mow the parts she missed, just like I made her do this week.that falls into the if I do a ****** job i wont be asked to do it again, but I still did it so you can't complain that I didn't help.
It works great! Find the right pace and it gets it all.Who knew that was a thing! it work well? Seems like it might miss spots because of the fast blade rotation.48 minutes ago, akwooly said: i have a dethatcher blade on my push mower, want to use it?
Yes, not as good as real dethatcher but sure beats renting one or manually raking!From what I hear it is not as good as a dedicated detatcher, but it gets most of the way there.
I did not know this existed. for $20 WTH. I'll probably pick one up.Yes, not as good as real dethatcher but sure beats renting one or manually raking!
I'd marry it.From what I hear it is not as good as a dedicated detatcher, but it gets most of the way there.
Had that two years ago. Was a fungus it picked up somewhere. Have about an 8' circle of dead **** on my front lawn now which won't grow back thanks to those f*cking bradford pear's something else going on in my lawn - a carpet of black, mushy stuff developed in one large area last year. I was assuming it was moss, but this year it's not there, just a layer of dead grass
We had about half a bottle of Spectracide weed-and-feed in the garage...the one you put on your hose and spray down the lawn. I'm not even sure where it came from but I figured it wouldn't hurt to use it. Did a pretty good job on the clover and the dandelions. I only had enough to spray the front yard and part of the side yard, but you can see a distinct line in the side yard where I stopped spraying.Really?! Interesting. I since switched to Spectracide because some other stuff I was using (Ortho?) wasn't working. I was hesitant too because I didn't recognize the brand.
Apparently the ******* we got our house from had a big pine tree in the front yard that, surprise surprise, got into the sewer lateral. He had the lateral fixed and cut the tree down but the front yard is still pretty uneven and the grass looks bad because he left all the roots. This is the guy who thought he was a handyman so I'm sure he rented a stump grinder from Home Depot to do it himself and probably cut the stump just below ground level and though that was fine.Have about an 8' circle of dead **** on my front lawn now which won't grow back thanks to those f*cking bradford pear roots.