Bring Back the Lunch Thread !!!!

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There's only about 5 things I truly despise, in no particular order: coffee, olives, feta cheese, PB, and mangoes.
I like all of those except mangoes. I don't dislike mangoes, I have just never tried them or don't remember what they taste like if I have tried them.

Tofu, hummus, and Red Bull (or any energy drink for that matter) are the three at the top of the list of food-stuffs I won't touch.
I like all of those too. I don't drink Red Bull often because I don't like the affect it has on my body, but I don't mind the taste. Tofu literally has no taste to it. It's just like a sponge. I like it because it soaks up the juice in Hot and Sour Soup which is delicious.

Mangoes are sweet to the point I find them oversweet. When I went here a few months back:


for no apparent reason, Robert (he was there) the owner hacked on up and gave me and my wife each a half. Might have been the $100 worth of stuff in the cart...Anyway, I couldn't really say no at that point. It was painful.

Fortunately, we went to the taqueria down the street and I stuffed my face with habanero slaw to make up for it.

There's another one, spicy stuff. I'll eat a whole habanero just for the kick, my wife doesn't even like handling hot peppers because if she touches her nose or yes the rest of the day, it hurts her.

I'll eat tofu but not in large quantities. Humus is good depending on the flavor.

feta cheese, goat cheese, blue cheese...any of the crumble cheeses I will not touch.

How are they hippie? They're pretty mainstream, not just for treehumping vegan types.
I like to get firm tofu, and stiry fry it up with snow peas, mushrooms, and string beans, and call it dinner.
I believe you're missing meat in your dish.

How are they hippie? They're pretty mainstream, not just for treehumping vegan types.
I like to get firm tofu, and stiry fry it up with snow peas, mushrooms, and string beans, and call it dinner.
I believe you're missing meat in your dish.
firm tofu is pretty dense...close enough to meat for some

How are they hippie? They're pretty mainstream, not just for treehumping vegan types.
I like to get firm tofu, and stiry fry it up with snow peas, mushrooms, and string beans, and call it dinner.
I believe you're missing meat in your dish.
firm tofu is pretty dense...close enough to meat for some
not at all
"close enough" doesnt cut it. If I want a "meat-like" substance in my food, I will stick with meat.

Not every single meal needs a meat, veggie, and starch all together in 3 separate compartments.
yep. speggettii or pasta night doesn't have meat in our house. Although sometime a swear minisnick already a self proclaimed vegitarian...he probably would like tofu

lunch today will be meat. Won't touch tofu; don't like the texture. Don't eat spam either, but will take corned beef hash any day straight from the can. Will also enjoy a few of the MRE's that are out there, but avoid those burgers and sausage fingers at all costs...
