Bring Back the Lunch Thread !!!!

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Ham on hawaiian pizza is as far as meat pizza topping I go. Sausage or pepperoni or chicken are nasty on pizza. I had to grin and bear this week when they only catered in the fancy loaded pizzas. the veggitarian was salad tomato chunks, onion, 3 types of peppers, etc so that was out. the mushroom pizza had sauage on it, the others were meat combos...what about plain ol cheese pizza.

chicken / cheese pasta bake with a side of granola for lunch... Mainly leftovers from last night...

PB is great!!
Yeah, if you like something with the consistency and color of whipped turds.

I'm an adventurous eater, I'll try just about anything once. Hell, I'm looking forward to hakarl when I go to Iceland.

There's only about 5 things I truly despise, in no particular order: coffee, olives, feta cheese, PB, and mangoes.

Tofu, hummus, and Red Bull (or any energy drink for that matter) are the three at the top of the list of food-stuffs I won't touch.

Never had any of the three so I have no idea what they taste like or even the consistency. I just won't eat them out of spite to my hippy wife.

PB is great!!
Yeah, if you like something with the consistency and color of whipped turds.

I'm an adventurous eater, I'll try just about anything once. Hell, I'm looking forward to hakarl when I go to Iceland.

There's only about 5 things I truly despise, in no particular order: coffee, olives, feta cheese, PB, and mangoes.
Those 5 are on my favorites list.

How are they hippie? They're pretty mainstream, not just for treehumping vegan types.

I like to get firm tofu, and stiry fry it up with snow peas, mushrooms, and string beans, and call it dinner.
