Book Recommendations

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My wife read half of one of the fifty shades books.....

I read lone survivor, great story, but also pretty sad as well.....

I have the last Tom Clancy book but jut can't bring myself to start it just yet!

I've read all 150 shades...

I really liked the border trilogy. Now that you've reminded me of them, I may go read them again. I have them all as "actual" books.

I'm reading "Not a Good Day to Die" by Sean Naylor

I have the last Tom Clancy book but jut can't bring myself to start it just yet!
I read that one recently. I doubt it's his last book though. I think the publishers limit the books to 1/year and some writers are a lot more prolific than that. He may have had two or three more ready to go before he passed.

I may have to re-read the Border Trilogy, too, once I finish my MS and can open a book again without feeling that sick pit in the stomach thing.

I watched The Hunt for Red October the other night. I'm thinking it may be time for me to read Without Remorse again.

Without Remorse was Clancy's best book, IMO.

He also fell into those realm of writers who hasn't actually written anything in a while (I'm looking at you, James Patterson and Clive Cussler), just provides a plot outline for other writers to follow and slaps their name above the guy who really did the bulk of the work.

In Cussler's case, two of the author's have great works under their own name (Craig Dirgo and Jack duBrul), but are just hacks when churning out NUMA books.

I read HG Well's "The Time Machine" again on the plane the other day. Forgot how much I liked that book, and scary some of the parallels I can draw between the evolution of man in his books, and how I perceive the "Millennial" generation.

Very tired this morning. I've been staying up till the wee hours of the morning reading the Vorkosigan Saga (currently reading Cordelia's Honor). Lois McMaster Bujold is a damn good writer.

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Brandon Sanderson's Way of Kings is a very good series. The biggest problem I've run into is that, like A Song of Ice and Fire, the series hasn't been completed so once you catch up it's miserable waiting for the next book.

Summer reading, John Paul Jones: Sailor, Hero, Father of the American Navy

if your into the outdoors and also into quitting your corporate job and opening up your own REI type store than I recommend this little book:

Just Passing through..

This guy owns the shop at around the 70 mile mark on the Appalachian Trail- He offers "shakdowns" to thru hikers to help them shed some weight of stuff they dont need.. Ive been to this store and its really cool. Lots of interesting stories about the people that have come through his store, (the AT goes through the middle of this store)


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